Becca the work at home mom behind the Slightly Crunchy Mommy Etsy shop has some wonderful wonderful handmade goodies to help you get started with using cloth wipes and several reasons to keep you as a customer!

These wipes are super fast to dry and are great for having in the diaper bag because they really don’t take up much room. They are soft for runny noses too!
/*{literal}<![CDATA[*/ window.RAFLIN = window.RAFLIN || {}; window.RAFLIN[‘d03e6d58’] = {id: ‘MmRlMGQzOTJlODA1NjZkYjhmYmYyZDgyMDgxMTJhOjY1’}; var url=’//’, head=(document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]); (function(d,n,h){if(!!d.getElementById(n))return;var j=d.createElement(‘script’);;j.type=’text/javascript’;j.async=true;j.src=url;h.appendChild(j);}(document,’rsoijs’,head)); /*]]>{/literal}*/
a Rafflecopter giveaway
&amp;amp;amp;amp;&amp;lt;span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” style=”background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; “&amp;gt;lt&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;;a &amp;lt;span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” style=”background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; “&amp;gt;href&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;=”http://&amp;lt;span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” style=”background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; “&amp;gt;rafl&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;.es/enable-&amp;lt;span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” style=”background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; “&amp;gt;js&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;”&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway&amp;amp;amp;amp;&amp;lt;span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” style=”background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; “&amp;gt;lt&amp;lt;/span&amp;gt;;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway.
Raffle copter not coming up
Does this start today? I can't see the rafflecopter form.
I would get the 50 pack of monkey wipes 🙂
I love the frogs wipe start kit in bluesubscribe to your newsletter bethany333(at)hotmail.comFb share
I entered the Glowbug diapers and the Willow Store giveawaysbeth.rees33(at)gmail(dot)com
I love being able to see a lot of different diapers and see the pros and cons to help me choose other brands I might not have tried before
I'd get one of the cloth wipe packages. 50 for $20 is an awesome deal!
I love all the new fluff you introduced us to, especially the WAHMs. Thank you for an incredible event!
I entered the Sweetbottoms and Glow Bug giveaways (there was nowhere to put it in Rafflecopter).
I like the beetle wipes
Love the variety you have during this event!! ** entered lula wrap and apple cheeks giveaway
Grabbed your button, and it's now on my blog :)
Entered the Silver Liner giveaway.
Entered your Twin City AppleCheeks giveaway 🙂
I would definitely love to get the boy receiving blanket 🙂
I would use it on a cloth wipe starter set.
I love that you are reviewing a lot of diapers I have not heard of before.
Buttons at
entered the Itti BittiTutto and Sprout Change Shell & 2 Organic Super Saver inserts giveaways.
I like this: at yahoo dot com
I would choose the froggies wipe starter kit, so cute! there was no extra info section to enter the other giveaway names, but i entered the silver liner giveaway and the twin city apple cheeks giveaway.nikkiperry84 at yahoo dot comNikki Perry
I would love to get the cloth wipes starter kit in pink!
I have enjoyed reading about diapers that I haven't tried yet. I also like the different WAHMs that you featured!fmgrice2(at)yahoo(dot)com
I entered the Glow Bug and Earthy Crunchy Mama giveawaysfmgrice2(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like the Cloth Wipe Starter Kit- Frog wipes and solutionI entered your Glow Bug and Willow Store giveaways
I'd love to get the froggy starter kit! Lori Davis
I loved that you offered so many different giveaways for the Fluff event.
Shared on Facebbok, cannot see the "extra info" area on the Rafflecopter form.!/BarcafanFL/posts/161638370608962 Lori Davis.
Grabbed your button, here's the link to my blog to see it, right sidebar.. (No place to leave it on form) Lori Davis
I would spend the gift card on the monkey cloth wipe starter kit.klshrrs at gmail dot com
I love all of the great giveaways from the event, but especially the sweet bottoms baby boutique giveaway.
Facebook share: at gmail dot com
I also entered the twin city diaper co. giveaway.
I also entered the silver liner giveaway
i would use it towards the pink monkey wipie kitBonnie Rodriguez
i love this fluff event and thank you so much for chance at winning some of these prizes! i appreciate your reviews on these products and also i got a chance to own oneBonnie Rodriguez
i enetred the greenchild and glowbug giveawayBonnie Rodriguez
I entered sweetbottom and glow bug.jsapalio at yahoo dot com
FB Share 12/30
I like the Boy receiving blanket- your choice
Your button is on my blog:
I accidentally clicked that I did this entry: Claim Your Early Entries~Button Posted, but I didn't! So sorry…I'm not sure how to "un-do" my entry 🙁 I just wanted you to know when you are going through and looking at entries to not count that one!
A cloth wipe starter kit.jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I loved that their were so many new reviews and items to learn about.jsapalio at yahoo dot com
If I won I think I would buy the pack of 50 monkey wipes! I also entered the Apple Cheeks and Green Nursery giveaways.sneedleali@yahoo dot com
I think that most of all I have liked getting to learn about so many different brands through your Falling into Fluff event! Thank you!!
FB Share 12/31beth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
I would try the cloth wipe starter set
I like all the reviews! such a wide variety
I would use the GC on a wipe package, Pink frogs are cute
I liked seeing all the dif products out there and entering to win cool baby loot!
Also entered the Babykicks Hemparoo giveaway.
FB share 1/1beth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
Entered Babykicks (as Brandi Elam)
Entered itti bitti
I would probably get the cloth wipes starter kit, probably in the frog pattern.
Shared on Facebook!!/BarcafanFL/posts/247645568637127 Lori Davis
I entered the perplexus giveaway! Lori D.
I would get the Cloth Wipe Starter Kit- Monkey wipes and solution
I also entered the Abby's Lane and Applecheeks giveaways.
I would get a cloth wipe starter kit!jesllee(at)live(dot(com)
I love hearing about so many brands I hadn't heard of!jesllee(at)live(dot)com
monkey cloth wipes starter kit
love learning about the different diapers and wipe options out there.
entered willow store and green nursery.
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=345279242165239&id=100002380203548
Another share on facebook!!/BarcafanFL/posts/321184377903038 Lori D.
I'd probably use get a Blue safari animals receiving blanket.mummytocharis[at]yahoo[dot]com
Your buttons are on my blog: mummytocharis.blogspot.comEntered the 1.) Itti bitti tutto and 2.) Abby's lane giveaways.mummytocharis[at]yahoo[dot]com
I like the 50 monkey wipes. [email protected]
i love the monkey cloth wipes starter kit in her storeannae07 at aol dot com
i love the cd giveaways in this event as i'm starting to build my stash…. haven't won any yet but i'm hopeful! lolannae07 at aol dot com
entered willow store- reverse shell giveawayannae07 at aol dot com
entered silver liner giveawayannae07 at aol dot com
I entered the lulu wrap giveaway
I entered the sprout change giveaway
Daily facebook share. Lori Davis.!/BarcafanFL/posts/307088789330475
I would probably use it to get the pink frogs cloth wipe starter kit.Also entered:The Willow Store Sprout Change Diaper ShellItti Bitti Tutto Diaper
I am working on building a stash of cloth diapers for our first who is due in March. All of these posts have been so helpful in figuring out what different products for cloth diapering are out there and gathering opinions! Thanks so much!
i'd love the pink monkey wipes kit 🙂
I would spend it on the Cloth Wipe Starter Kit- Frog wipes and solution.
FB share 1/3beth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
Entered the applecheeks and greenchild creations giveawayscmcosman at
I love the frogs print packages!cmcosman at
1/4 Shared on Facebook:
I like the starter kit with the pink frogs!
I've loved the opportunity to try new companies with this event… hope I do anyway 🙂
I would get a Cloth Wipes Starter Pack in the Frog wipes.tvpg at aol dot com
I have loved the wide array of different diapers and accessories that you have reviewed.tvpg at aol dot com
Entered the Willow Store and The Green Nursery giveaways.tvpg at aol dot com
FB share
Fb Sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=165004620272020&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
I also entered the Applecheeks giveaway.
enetered lulu wrap giveaway
entered perpled maze giveaway
FB sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
I like the cloth wipe starter kit in the pink frog print.Jodi J
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=259141090820286&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
I would get the frog wipe starter kitentered rumpeezentered itti bitty
I have loved reading all of your reviews. It has helped me decide which products I want to try
fb 1/7 [!at]gmail [!dot]com
Commented on Early entries post as Vanessa C.Thanks! vnsscarv [!at]gmail [!dot]com
I like the cloth wipe starter kit in the frog print.
I have loved seeing new products
FB Sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=144399382340537&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
FB sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
i would get the wipe starter kit
I love being introduced to all the new diapers
I would buy the wipes starter kit in the pink frog print!
I would get the wipes starter kit in the pink frogs print
I love all the different cds being offered in the giveaways … I am currently building a stash for my newest arrival born Dec 1st 2011 =)
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=172752899491928&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
FB sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
cloth wipe package - 50 monkeys!
Cloth wipes- froggies!
Your button is at the bottom of my page.
I have loved the diaper giveaways the most and learning all the different brands and prices out there.
I entered for the flip diaper giveaway as well as the lulu wrap giveaway. I facebooked it.
i love the cloth wipe starter kit frogschristinejessamine at hotmail dot com
what i love most, is the ability to win cool stuff! thanks for the giveawayschristinejessamine at hotmail dot com
entered in the toast to 2012 giveawaychristinejessamine at hotmail
entered in the lulu giveawaychristinejessamine at hotmail
Fb Sharebeth.rees333(at)gmail(dot)com
entered lulu wrap
entered $10 Gift Certificate to Abby's Lane
no place to put fb post!/permalink.php?story_fbid=216201108466886&id=1273830770
I like the cloth wipe starter set!~Terri Babin
I love having so many chances to win fluff!~Terri Babin
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=163609047075294&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
FB Share
both buttons are[email protected]
50 Monkey wipes
entered rumpeez
entered handbag
fb share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=321539811219790&id=100002380203548blue [email protected]
FB Share
Cloth Wipe Starter Kit- Pink frog wipes and solution