Twin City Diaper Co. is a wonderful shop recently taken over by Amy Tatz allowing her to fulfill her dream of owning a cloth diaper store. Amy is a huge supporter of USA and WAHM made cloth diapers and cloth diapering products and offers great customer service; it is her number one priority. Amy offers great personalized assistance with your cloth diaper questions and her experience with raising two children in cloth diapers allows her to speak with confidence from experience. Amy also offers some great customer incentives!
Amy sent me an AppleCheeks cloth diaper cover in size 2, St. Lucia color and a 3-ply bamboo insert for our heavy wetting Tates. I have been wanting to try these so I was super excited when she told me what I was getting for review!
Although the elastic looks a bit frilly it really isn’t at all girly! The gentle elastic is fabulous (and gender neutral) for containing Tates super juice induced explosions yet leaving no marks on his thunder thighs. The inner lining of this diaper is a super luxuriously soft micro-fleece with an extremely wide envelope style opening allowing for easy stuffing. The waterproof outer shell and double row of snap closure allows for a perfect fit, the wide closure tabs are alleviating your concerns about wing droop.
As you can see from above the one sized insert is generously sized (12″x15″) and resembles a prefold. It is super soft with light green threaded edges and is amazingly absorbent even after only a few washes. The 3-ply inserts are made of 70% rayon from bamboo and 30% organic cotton fleece and when folded trifold style makes 9 layers of absorbency. Tates has yet to have a leak of any kind and has napped in his AppleCheeks several times.
The picture above shows how surprisingly trim this diaper is considering it has what is like a prefold as the insert.
Tates is in a size 2 (Size 1 fits from 7 - 20lbs, and Size 2 fits from 18 - 40lbs. All weight ranges are approximate) and as you can see he is close to the last snap setting however AppleCheeks offers waist extenders which I am trying to get my hands on!
My husband is a huge fan of these diapers and doesn’t even mention the slightly higher price tag on them, the covers and inserts are sold separately and don’t go on sale too often but Amy participates in the AppleCheeks approved sales!
Buy It:
You can purchase your very own AppleCheeks diaper system with either a 3-ply insert or 2-ply insert from Amy’s online store Twin City Diaper Co. today! Feel free to tell her I sent you so I can earn “Cash for Your Stash” incentives! We want more AppleCheeks!
I like the cherry tomato color in size 1.
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Rafflecopter name is Alex Liz Robinson
Alex Liz Robinson is rafflecopter name
I like the fuzzibunz diaper sprayer from her store.
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Alex Liz Robinson
I entered the rumpeez GC and itti bitti diaper giveaways.
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
i'd get size 2 in coriander
annae07 at aol dot com
i'd like to try the 'charles laundry pre-spray'
entered bumblebaby giveaway
entered lotus bumz giveaway
St.Lucia in size 1
I entered Glow Bug and Bumble Baby and many more of your giveaways 🙂
Size 2 Lemon Zest and your button is here http://cliffnkristensblog.blogspot.com/
I like the fuzzibunz one size elite. in blue or red.
I could use the cloth nursing pads.
I also entered the silver lining give-away
I would choose St. Lucia in size 2
Carolyn H
graceink at yahoo dot com
I also love Thirsties Duo Wraps - snaps!
Carolyn H
graceink at yahoo dot com
I have your button on my blog!
graceink at yahoo dot com
I like cherry tomato Size 1
Raspberry sorbet in the smallest size 🙂
I would choose Forget-Me-Not in Size 1!
I'd choose Lemon Zest
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
I also love the Flip covers!
I love the Happy Heiny's OS pocket diaper.
Chocolate size 1
Like the black curly planet wise wet bag
Entered lula wrap and glow bug (all the diaper giveaways!!!)
-Networked blogs: Ps Mamae
-Button: http://psmamae.blogspot.com
-Blogged: http://www.ecobabymamadrama.com/2011/12/twin-city-diaper-coapplecheeks.html#comment-form
-Entered: Glow Bug and Rumpeez
- Commented on early entries post as Vanessa C.
Thank You!!!
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
Shared on FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=145872572189264&id=100002995657881
I would like to try the Happy Heinys in Squares.
I entered the Bumble Baby and Lotux Bums Giveaways.
Chocolate, size 2. Thanks! Lori Davis
Size 2 Chocolate would be great for my little guy!
I would choose a size 2 in Coriander.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I also love the Thirsties Fab Doublers!
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered The Green Nursery giveaway.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered The Silver Liner giveaway.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=212799345471745&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
The bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper Artist Series are great diapers.
I would choose St Lucia in size 2
cherry tomato, size 1
mary michaud
I love thirsties duo wraps! They make up most of my stash
i love tiny tush elite diapers!
mary michaud
I would get a size 2 Cherry Tomatoe! Cute!
[email protected]
GFC: Mechele Johnson
buttons are at
mary michaud
entered giveaways - sweetbottoms/babykicks and green nursery/itti bitti
mary michaud
Leaving a link for the extra button entry, and the grab your button entry.
[email protected]
GFC: Mechele Johnson
Chocolate in size 2
Jsapalio at yahoo dot com
Il also like the applecheeks swim diaper.
Jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I'd choose cherry tomato in size 1
I entered your Glow Bug and The Green Nursery giveaways
I also like the Eco Nuts 100 Loads
I would choose Cherry tomato in size 2
I subscribe via email at bethany333(at)hotmail(dot)com
I also entered glow bug and the Green Nursery giveaways
I also love the Happy Heiny's OS pocket diaper.
FB Share 12/29
chocolate, size 2 🙂
Jessi Greenmamajama
I'd need a size 2 Chocolate.
I also love the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper Artist Series
Jessi Greenmamajama
I have both of your buttons here~ http://green-mama-jama.blogspot.com/
and I entered glow bug, green nursery and I could go on and on…lol
Jessi Greenmamajama
I also like the planetwise wet/dry bags.
Kimberlie T.
Your buttons are on my blog at:
Kimberlie T.
Also early entries as JLJMommy via http://theclothexperiment.blogspot.com/.
I would love to get the chocolate diaper in size 2 🙂
I love the organic cloth wipes from Tiny Tush
Entered the Silver Liner giveaway 🙂
Entered the Slightly Crunchy Mommy giveaway 🙂
Grabbed your button, and it's now on my blog 🙂
Grabbed your button, and it's now on http://gogreenauntie.blogspot.com 🙂
Chocolate in size 2
I would choose the Chocolate in Size 2. 🙂
CntrySccerChk (at) yahoo (dot) com
I <3 the BumGenius elemental in Lovelace. 🙂
I entered in the LuLu wrap and Rumpeez giveaway.
I would get Size 1 in Lemon Zest!
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Facebook Shared. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/CountryGirlinCharleston
I love the Rockin' Green detergent!
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I entered the Lulu Wrap and Itti Bitti Tutto giveaways!
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Shared on FB:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Size 1 raspberry sorbet
I would choose size 1 in Wild Child or (if solid necessary)St. Lucia
I would like the cherry tomato color in size 2. 🙂
I guess I would say the best bottoms overnight inserts.
Size 1 in cherry tomato
I like the fuzzi bunz elite diapers
buttons at http://kjkjjohnson.blogspot.com
entered Six pack of double sided flannel wipes and $25 Gift card to Slightly Crunchy Mommy Etsy Shop giveaways
cherry tomato size 1. i also entered the silver liner and glowbug giveaways.
nikkiperry84 at yahoo dot com
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I would love a size 2 in delicious but it looks like they don't have it, St Lucia is really pretty too!
I also like Grandma El's diaper cream!
I entered the rumpeez and sweet bottoms baby giveaways.
I would choose size 2 in Cherry Tomato. 🙂
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I would choose size 2 chocolate
size 2, mrs. robinson
Facebook share:
I would choose the chocolate color in size 2
I like the Charlie's laundry pre-spray.
I also entered the slightly crunchy mommy giveaway.
I also entered the silver liner giveaway
I posted your button on my blog http://www.naturallyhealthyparenting.blogspot.com
Both your button and the event button are on my blog: http://babyandthechis.blogspot.com
gothickornchic at gmail dot com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=243161315757214&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
I like Coriander in size 1.
I entered the Lulu Wrap and Silver Liner giveaway.
Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=148073508636712&id=100002099416943
Entered JoeBuns
Entered Willow Store
I would choose size 1 in Mrs Robinson
I would choose size 1 in the Cherry tomato
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
I also love the planet wise wet bags
I entered the itti bitti giveaway
Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/kristina.severson/posts/332603416763968
i would love a size 2 in chocolate
Bonnie Rodriguez
i would love to that charlies pre wash spray that sounds awesome!
Bonnie Rodriguez
i entered the lotus bumz and the glowbug giveaways
Bonnie Rodriguez
I would choose the size 2 in chocolate or st lucia
Entered babykicks bumboo and itti bitti
My blog is at mgottman.blogspot.com
FB Share
I would choose a size 1 in Chocolate
I also love the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper Artist Series in the Jet Setter print.
I have your button on my blog: http://thelittlehedgehog.blogspot.com/
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Shared on FB
FB share 12/31
I would try the charlie booster laundry
I like the size 1 in Chocolate
I would choose size 2 in Raspberry Sorbet.
I like the fuzzibunz diaper sprayer from her store.
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
The extra info areas were missing for the other giveaways. I am entered in the BabyKicks 3g and Abby's Lane giveaways
I am also subscribed to emails with magickmoon73 at yahoo dot com
I would choose cherry tomato
I haven't tried one yet, but I love the Planet Wise wet bags
I have your buttons at http://www.theantijunecleaver.com
I like the fuzzibunz diaper sprayer from her store.
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=212202072198669&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Size 2 in cherry tomato
I like that she carries tiny tush organic wipes
FB Share 1/1
I'd pick a size 2 in Lake Echo.
I love the Charlie's Laundry pre spray.
I also love the Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted from Amy's store.
Shared on FB
The "extra info" box didn't show up to enter this info:
Grab my button! and
Grab my Falling Into Fluff Event Button are both at:
Enter Another Active Giveaway, I'm entered in
Lulu Wrap and
$10 Gift Certificate to Abby's Lane
and many more!
I like the fuzzibunz diaper sprayer from her store.
I'd like a Mrs. Robinson in Size 2!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I'd love a Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Entered your Sweetbottoms giveaway
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Entered your Green Nursery itti bitti Diaper Giveaway
size 2, st. lucia
like the wetbags
sweet bottoms
willow store
fb share:
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
lake echo in size 2
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I would choose Size 1, Cherry Tomato. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
I'd also be interested in trying the Tiny Tush Organic Wool Soaker they offer. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Shared on FB
I might get the Mrs. Robinson in size 2.
[email protected]
I would choose Lake Echo Size 2.
email icy_princess at msn dot com
networked blogs Christine Lopes
button http://swedenesefamily.wordpress.com/ shared
Entered Greenchild creations
Entered Green Nursery
I like the Carriwell Seamless Organic Cotton Nursing Bra.
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I would choose Size 1 Wild Child.
I also like the SoftBums Echo Diaper.
I also entered:
The Willow Store Sprout Change Diaper Shell Giveaway
The Green Nursery Itti Bitti Tutto Diaper Giveaway
Shared on FB
facebook name is mp phaiah.
i would choose a size two in cherry tomato.
facebook name is mp phaiah.
my link to your buttons is: quiet-ct.blogspot.com
facebook name is mp phaiah.
i entered your willow store and hemparoo insert giveaways.
I grabbed your event button early… and I also have your blog button on my side bar. I love the softbums echo diaper and I would get ANY apple cheeks diaper combo. great diaper!
I want a size 2 in Mrs. Robinson.
I also like the FuzziBunz Diaper Sprayer.
Fb Share 1/3
Entered itti bitti tutto giveaway
cmcosman at yahoo.com
Entered Greenchild creations giveaway
cmcosman at yahoo.com
My fav color is St Lucia, Size 2
cmcosman at yahoo.com
I also love the BG 4.0 diaper.
cmcosman at yahoo.com
I'd choose size 2 in either cherry tomato or raspberry sorbet.
I'd love to try a Tiny Tush Organic Wool Soaker from Twin City Diaper Co.
Your buttons are on my blog: mummytocharis.blogspot.com
Entered the 1)Itti bitti cloth diaper and 2)The silver liner giveaways.
1/4 Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=141930505921526&id=100002457123517
I like "forget me not"
Sorry I forgot the size. Size 1 color: Forget me not
I entered Silver Liner giveway
I entered The Willow Giveaway
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
size 2 in st. lucia
linda hawes
love the tiny tush elite pocket diaper!
linda hawes
Shared on FB
happy heniys os sheltered_dreams at hotmail dot com
i like the fuzzi bunz door knob pail sheltered_dreams at hotmail dot com
I entered sweet bottoms and the willow store
sheltered_dreams at hotmail dot com
I'd get the Wild Child and I'd prefer it in a size 2 but will take a size 1 too (she only has it in stock in a size 1 right now).
tvpg at aol dot com
I love the Fuzzibunz Diaper Talk diapers esp the "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" one!
tvpg at aol dot com
FB Share: https://www.facebook.com/amanda.alvarado17/posts/324034660951162
Entered the Willow Store and The Green Nursery giveaways.
tvpg at aol dot com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=164716783635951&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
FB Share
I'd get size 2 in Cherry Tomato! Gotta love those red dipes!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I love the Tiny Tush Contoured Nursing Pads
FB Share
The maternity swimsuit is really cool! I'll have to keep it in mind.
I like the St. Lucia colour
Oops. I like the St. Lucia in a size 2
Chocolate size 2
[email protected]
[email protected]
Love the diaper packages.
Entered The Green Nursery~Itti Bitti giveaway.
[email protected]
Fb Share
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I would choose Storm in size 2
Claude Campeau
Buttons http://becauseitsfuntowin.blogspot.com/
Claude Campeau.
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I would choose Size 1 in St. Lucia! Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Another product I love is the Lula Clips! Very cool!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I also entered The Green Nursery and Slightly Crunchy Mommy giveaways.
FB Share
fb 1/6- http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=206908662733379&id=100002995657881
vnsscarv [!at]gmail [!dot]com
I'd choose the Cherry Tomato in size 1
Jodi J
I love the bumGenius 4.0 in the Eiffel Tower pattern!
Jodi J
Shared on FB
I think lemon zest in size #2cfor the Applecheecks giveaway is adorable
For Twin City diaper Co. giveaway, I have been wanting to try this for my two boys Flip Day Pack with Organic inserts
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
i entered the lulu wrap giveaway
i entered the perplexed maze toy giveaway
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
chocolate size 2
I'd like to try the Charlies pre laundry spray
entered rumpeez
entered itti bitty
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=352423791450929&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd get the Size 1 Lemon Zest
I'd also love to get a bumgenius 4.0
FB Share
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
Entered Belly Buttons and Bubbles Baby Boutique Giveaway.
[email protected]
Cherry tomato in size 2
And the other item I really like is the diaper sprayer! Oh, how badly I wish for one of those!
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I would choose a size 1 Cherry Tomato!
Another item that I really like is the FuzziBunz Elite One Size diaper.
Entered this giveaway: http://www.ecobabymamadrama.com/2012/01/belly-buttons-and-bubbles-baby-boutique.html#comment-form
My fb share: https://www.facebook.com/nikkiwaring/posts/172148396218139
Giveaway: http://www.ecobabymamadrama.com/2011/12/rumpeez-review-gveaway-fallingintofluff.html#comment-form
I entered your Abby's Lane giveaway
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
FB Share 1/8
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
FB shared
Fb profile BranCYn
FB share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=205360282891831&id=100002099416943
allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com
size 2 coriander
i like the fuzzibunz one size elite
button http://swedenesefamily.wordpress.com/
I also like Bumgenius 4.0 pocket diapers.
Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/lily.ivey/posts/343088369052582
Entered the lulu wrap giveaway
Entered the wild mountain mommies giveaway.
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I entered the giveaway for $25 gc to slightly crunchy mama, and the lulu wrap giveaway
i would choose raspberry sorbet size 1! 🙂
I would also love to try the thirsties fab fitted.
Entered the Red Barn Nifty Nappy giveaway
Shared on FB
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Facebook share 1/9: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=323459994355063&id=100002457123517
No extra section: I entered Belly Buttons and Bubbles Baby Boutique
elannbe at gmail
I entered the Red Barn Nifty Nappy giveaway and the Couture Fluff giveaway
Carolyn H
graceink at yahoo dot com
i entered greenchild creations
I would choose Forget-Me-Not in size 1
I like the Tiny Tush Contoured Nursing Pads from her store!
size 2 in Rasberry Sorbet
I would LOVE the FuzziBunz Comfort Liners (Mama Cloth)
rust is nice!
tristazmail yahoo com
love the bumgenius in artist print 🙂
tristazmail yahoo com
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
Blog buttons at http://allnaturalkatie.blogspot.com/
FB Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=343406379003873&id=100002099416943
allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com
Fb share
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=356983877650393&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
url for my fb post https://www.facebook.com/nikkiwaring/posts/283800788335857
I'd love St.Lucia in size 1!
I love the BumGenius 4.0
Entered The Toast to 2012 giveaway! ~Nicole R.
Entered the Abby's Lane $10 gift card giveaway. ~Nicole R.
I would get a size 2 lemon zest!
a_stro at yahoo dot com
email subscriber: a_stro at yahoo dot com
networked blogs: Andrea Grupe
link for buttons: http://fluffaddictsanonymousdropout.blogspot.com/
Active giveaway: Wild Mountain Mommies
Active giveaway: Lulu Wrap
FB share: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=348469555164228&id=100002032159398
a_stro at yahoo dot com
I love the Woombie from her shop!
a_stro at yahoo dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
fb http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=152032884906566&id=100002995657881
size 2, coriander, raspberry sorbet, & St. Lucia are all beautiful colors
I like the LuSa Organics Booty Call Natural Diaper Care Gift Collection…very nice!
entered lulu wrap
entered $10 Gift Certificate to Abby's Lane
Raspberry Sorbet, size 2 🙂
I'd love to try Grandma El's Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention
1/10/12 FB Share link
FB share
I would choose a size 1 Cherry Tomato
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
i love cherry tomato size 3!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
at amy's store i love the Carriwell Maternity Classic Swimsuit
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
entered in the lulu wrap giveaway!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
entered in the new years res giveaway
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
FB share http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=152594398183748&id=100002995657881
vnsscarv [!at]gmail [!dot]com
FB Share http://www.facebook.com/kristina.severson/posts/326189747403033
fb post
fb share: https://www.facebook.com/nikkiwaring/posts/132157046901423
maybe a size 1 forget me not… i don't think i have that
kari meeker
karilynaley at yahoo
i love eco nuts and doopsy!
kari meeker
fb share:
blue racer
freefluff @gmail.com
FB Share
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Raspberry sorbet! Size 1
Raspberry sorbet! Size 1
Forget me not in sz 2!
Love the new BG prints in Amy's store!
FB http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=153046431471878&id=100002995657881
FB Share
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
FB Share
FB Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=170178883090389&id=100002099416943
Color: St. Lucia
Size: One
Amy's store item: Eucalan No Rinse Wool Wash
bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper are my favorite diapers in Amys Store.
I also entered The Silver Liner~6 pack of Cloth Wipes (1/14/12)
Shared via Facebook…
Lula Clips
Raspberry Sorbet size 2
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Woombie Infant Swaddler
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Shared on fb https://www.facebook.com/sps1113/posts/232582266819683
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Maybe chocolate or coriander…tough choice! 🙂
I'd love the planet wise hanging wet bag!
Shared on FB
I like Mrs. Robinson 🙂
I would love to try Grandma Els Cream. 🙂
I also entered the SoftBums giveaway. And I would like ANY color! I have one size 2 Applecheeks now and would LOVE another!
I've always been a fan of the Mrs. Robinson so I would have to get that one…and size 2 I believe.
Marcella Cook
emmerswee at gmail
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I like the Lemon Zest in a size 1
I would choose a Forget-Me-Not in size 2.
I would love to also get some Thirsties Fab Cloth Wipes. I REALLY need to make the cloth switch in that area!
FB share
fb share:
blue racer
[email protected]
size 2 in raspberry sorbet.
[email protected]
I love the bubble gum softbums echo dipe.
[email protected]
entered the LuLu wrap giveaway.
[email protected]
entered the silver liner giveaway.
[email protected]
fb share
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=252106878194095&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Raspberry Sorbet
I forgot to add that it would be raspbery sorbet and size 2.
I would love a St Lucia size two!
I like the medium princess fuzzinunz trainers.
Grabbed your button
at the bottom of my page
Grabbed your Falling into Fluff button.
@ bottom of my page
Entered the lulu wrap giveaway.
Entered the silver lining giveaway.
I love that Twin City's carry Sustainablebabyish!
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I'd choose a little bundle in the Delicious print!
fb share: https://www.facebook.com/nikkiwaring/posts/330658840298146
FB share:
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
FB Share
Mrs. Robinson size 1.
thanks for the chance
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I also like the cloth nursing pads
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com