The first thing I noticed about these diapers was that there is an opening at the front and back of the diaper making it easy to get the snap in inserts in and out, yes the insert snaps in! I love this feature because with a busy baby that is running all the time (seriously I don’t think Tates ever walks!) moving inserts can be messy. Another great feature is the double gussets through the leg to make sure there is an extra barrier of protection against leaks or crazy blowouts. There is a waterproof flap at the front and the back of each diaper by the pocket openings to prevent leaks as well.
This diaper comes in snap closure with two sets of cross-over snaps on the waist band allowing for this diaper to fit a tiny newborn. There is a double row of snaps for front closure of the diaper and square tabs that allow for a trim smooth fit on baby’s hips. There are four adjustable by snap down rise settings making this truly a one sized diaper. Tates just recently moved up to be on the fully open setting making this one of the few diapers that he still had snapped down on the rise.
Each diaper comes with two absorbant microfiber snap in soakers that can be used together for naps and overnight use or alone for day time wear. The elastic on the diaper is very gentle even when the diaper is stuffed with both inserts. The elastic hugs baby’s curves allowing for great coverage but allowing for easy air flow so no red tush or red marks on the thighs or back.
Buy It:
Sold in packages of 12 in stylish Girl’s prints, Boy’s prints and vibrant Spectrum colours along with a selection of adorable Glow Bug logo diapers, each 12 pack comes with a free coordinating wet bag and can be purchased directly from the Glow Bug website. There will be a sale on Boxing Day (December 26th) and a FREE shipping code will be announced on the Glow Bug Facebook page!
My GFC name is Melissa, and my Google+ name is Melissa Huie.My favorite print is the teal damask!
I like the robots print.GFC: arobinson45G+: +Lizarobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I entered the smartipants and go green cloth diaper giveaways.arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Sorry, but I didn't find the extra info field in Rafflecopter form for this info.- GFC follower : Vanessa Coker- Google+: Ps Mamae- My Favorite Print: Robots boy - Grabbed your button: http://psmamae.blogspot.com - Grabbed your falling into fluff button: http://psmamae.blogspot.com - Entered other giveaways Oh Katy as Vanessa Coker and Go Green Champ as Vanessa C.- Early entries commented on blog post as Vanessa C.- Shared this giveaway on Facebook 12/16: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=323630104333159&id=100002995657881
FB Share (12/16/11):arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.comhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000212938781&ref=tn_tnmn#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=154281074679327&id=100000212938781
I like the red!
i love the teal damask dipe.
Gfc Bridgett zaidiI like the black colorEntered red barn and go green giveaway
There wasn't an extra info section for my blog post url, so here it is! http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2011/12/glow-bug-cloth-diaper-giveaway.html
GFC name Olivia LGoogle+ name Olivia LastingI like the brown and blue paisley pattern.I also entered the Red Barn and Bumblebaby diaper giveaways.
I like the robots! (GFC and G+ Lauren Coupland, email lauren dot coupland at gmail dot com)
I really like the flames coloramymccarty at hotmail dot com
I like the Teal Damsk.
I love the teal damask girls [email protected]
i love the robots (boy) printannae07 at aol dot com
entered oh katy and grandma el's giveawaysannae07 at aol dot com
gfc and google + name- annae07
Favorite print: guitarsGFC BethG+ BethNewsletter email: bethany333(at)hotmail(dot)comOther giveaway entered: SMartipants and red barnFB Share:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=140906792686284&id=665925506
I like the Robots printHere is your button http://cliffnkristensblog.blogspot.com/Kristen Jeffery
I like the Robots.GFC Rebecca MannG+ Rebecca MannI also entered the Smartipants and Boba giveaways.
I was in the Army for 8 years so I am partial to the camou print, even though I have a little girl!
I like any and all of the girl prints
skulls and flames and a few of the girl prints
I like the fish on black the best.
Gena - follows via GFC with Life With Captain Fussybuckets, G+ - Gena CptFussybuckets, http://www.captainfussybuckets.com, entered Rockin' Green & SmartiPants
I love the robots print! Also, I cannot add any extra info so I will put it here. GFC: mmmorgansGoogle+: Gumboots andCatsTwitter: @mmmorgansFacebook: Momo Ⓥ MitchellBlogged @ http://www.gumbootscatsvegansnacks.wordpress.com/
Link to blogpost http://wp.me/p1QBue-6u
FB share https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ecobabymamadrama.com%2F2011%2F12%2Fglox-bug-clothdiaper-review-and.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=Glox+Bug+%23ClothDiaper+Review+and+%23G%21veaway%7E2+WINNE…
I <3 the Robots print!
GFC - @wvgirl82G+ - Tara Sutton and Crunchier by the DayButton - http://crunchierbytheday.blogspot.comFalling into Fluff button - Same as above
I like the girly hearts!
GFC name - The FTM Entered the Go Green Champ giveaway
I like both of the girly butterfly prints.Tanaya_lynn at yahoo dot com
Teal Damsk Girl’s Print
Yellow looked fun!
i like the girl plaid!
got your button http://anjibeane.blogspot.com/
have your fluff button on my blog too http://anjibeane.blogspot.com/
red plaid!vashti mcmurrayhun423 at hotmail.com
my favorite print is the skulls in the boys packageBonnie Rodriguez
i entered the rockin green giveawayBonnie Rodriguez
i entered the go green giveawayBonnie Rodriguez
i posted on my wallhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003195944539#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=308521502513915&id=100003195944539Bonnie Rodriguez
gfc as heather s. Like boy print flame or the gender neutral solid colors.
entered go green and rockin'green
fb share:https://www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=9b9d20ceeb22b48ae3c2f8c5e4abe729&eu=hpA9hEelcN8xIfNo6toU7g#!/[email protected]
I'm a gfc follower, punkrockchic. [email protected]
GFC name is boysmama-mk7575
I like the dinosaur printmk7575@ msn dot com
I entered oh katy and smartipants giveawaysmk7575 at msn dot com
I love the flames! they would look great on my lil rock [email protected] I'm not sure if I was able to get the first entry. the link wasn't working. Will the other entries still count.
Love Glow Bug diapers!!I already follow you on GFC and I added you to Google+.
Love the girly plaid print!!
FYIyou have to check mark the box in RC to have an extra info box so you have none for GFC and stuff. my favorite print is the cupcake in the girls section
GFC name is Erica FilsonI would like the robot printTwitter name is @ericafilsonFB name is Erica Curtis FilsonEntering ALL open giveaways to the left
I like the Guitar or Square boy diaperall your extra info boxes are missingButton- http://www.heatherandavery.blogpsot.com under blog rollGiveaway- Oh KatyGiveaway- Bumblebabyhmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
GFC/google+ - Felicia RI like the teal damsk print!fmgrice2(at)yahoo(dot)com
Entered GoGreen and Boba giveaways!fmgrice2(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like the heart print
GFC, G+, FB, networked blogs Jessica Jollyjess twitter jolly_jess_6Entered rockin green, go greenbutton and early entries http://jollyjess6.blogspot.comI like the fire diaper in the boys section.
I love the Teal Damsk
I entered the GoGreen Giveaway and the Oh Katy giveaway
Teal Damskgfc follower as latanyagoogle+ as latanya t. entered earthy crunchy and bumble baby giveaways
I love the butterflies with the brown swirls in the girls' package!Claude Campeau
The form is missing the Extra Comments box…G+ : claude CampeauButtons: http://becauseitsfuntowin.blogspot.com/
I like the Teal Damask Print!
Entered your Go Green Giveawayrasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I like the robots printcmcosman at yahoo.com
I entered the Rockin Green and Oh Katy giveaways.cmcosman at yahoo.com
Entered your Red Barn Giveaway
I like the brown globug print.
I entered Baby Kicks & Bumblebaby
Entered the Bumblebaby and Red Barn cloth diaper giveaways!
I like the little heart print. just in time for valentines day lol
I love the Guitars.morales_y at yahoo dot com
I entered the Oh Katy Cloth diaper giveaway.morales_y at yahoo dot com
I entered the Go Green Champ Pocket diaper giveaway.morales_y at yahoo dot com
Entered oh Katy and boba
entered oh katy
entered go green champ
like the ladybug/daisy on green print
I like the teal damask diaper.jsapalio at yahoo dot com
i entered the boba and gogreen
Soooo cute! I can't wait to have this baby and start cloth diapering
Every time I see a new diaper review and giveaway on here, I get excited to learn about another diaper I could buy for my little one :)I loooooooove the girl pack that has the cupcake one in it! So cute! I wish I knew if I was having a boy or girl so I could snatch some up now
I also did the Bumblebaby and Lotus Bumz giveaway!
I like the Geometric squares print! I also entered the Bumble Baby and Oh Katy giveaways. I'm Ali Peterson on GFC and Google+. sneedleali at yahoo dot com
I like the Glo Bug logo diapers.GFC swedenesefamily Google + https://plus.google.com/stream/circles/p172b8b0809f78ac7Entered Sweetbottoms babyEntered Earthy Crunchyicy_princess at msn dot com
I like red plaid!Dagmar B.sirentattoo at hotmail.com
loved the robots boy print!
Grabbed the event buttonn http://krystylco.blogspot.com/p/button-swap.htmlgrabbed your button http://krystylco.blogspot.com/
I love the flames print.
Google +: Kim JohnsonGFC: lockwk17Google +: Kim JohnsonGFC: lockwk17Buttons are on: http://kjkjjohnson.blogspot.com/Lotus Bumz #ClothDiaper Review & G!veaway #FallingIntoFluffBoba 3 Winner #Giveaway! Ends 12/30lockwk17 @ yahoo . com
I like the robots print(rachel n on raffelcopter)
I like the Punk Skulls print.GFC: Amanda AlvaradoG+: Amanda A.Giveaways entered: Gorgeous & Green and Red Barntvpg at aol dot com
there wasn't extra info area for GFC it's ~LadyM jessica ladymiranda1 at gmail dot com
G+ is ladym mommytofour
I subscribe thru ladymiranda1 at gmail dot com not thru my fb email jessica breeden
Favorite print: Girly plaid diaper [I don't see print names.]GFC: mummytocharisGoogle +: Sarah McKelvyYour buttons are on my blog: mummytocharis.blogspot.comShared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=177688942330199&id=100002457123517Entered 1. Monkey Doodlez 2. Bumblebabymummytocharis[at]yahoo[dot]com
I like the girly plaid and the boy plaid prints! GFC: Raquel Beaty +: Raquel Beaty Entered Red Barn and Bumblebaby
FB Sharehttps://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=245994975465771&id=665925506
facebook name is mp phaiah.i like the robot print.i grabbed your buttons: http://quiet-ct.blogspot.com/gfc and google+ name is m. phaiah
I like the purple paisley print.Other giveaways entered: Bumblebaby and Red Barn.
I love the guitar print! to_jill at hotmail.com
The moo cow is super cute!!!CntrySccerChk (at) yahoo (dot) com
eal Damsk Girl’s Print
Love the Skulls and the Flames, as well as the blue and brown damask print! GFC Brandy Nelson or NewlyCrunchyMamaOf3Google+ Brandy NelsonEntered Rumpeez and Earthy Crunchy Mama
I like the ladybug w/ flowers printGFC: Jen-BGoogle+ Jen BEntered Sprout Change and Rumpeez giveawaysjenniferbleiler at gmail dot com
GFC: April GGoogle+: April GilbertsonEntered Willow Store and Earth Crunchy Mama giveaways.
I like the boy robot print!
Blogged about it: http://psmamae.blogspot.com/2011/12/eco-baby-mama-drama-glow-bug-diapers.html
GFC and Google+ name is Maria Ivey.FB name is Lily Munoz Ivey.
I like the flamesgfc fancygrlnancygoogle + Nancy partin/ Arizona mama
I like the Robots print
ngiraldi at gmail dot com
I like the girl print with the purple swirl print.
I also entered the Bumblebaby and Babykicks giveaways.
Teal Damsk Girl’s Print
I love cloth diapering because it helps the environment plus the diapers are super cute and so easy to use.
Love all the girl prints. The red/black/white is cute.
Entered maze toy and lotus bumz giveaways
My GFC name is herent. and I follow. Cute [email protected]
I love the cupcake [email protected]
entered in the lulu [email protected]
entered in the lotus bumz [email protected]
I like the rocket print!
Entered the Bumblebaby giveaway.My favorite Glow Bug is the boy cow print.GFC name: Jen D.
Also entered the Lotus Bumz giveaway!
On Rafflecoptor as Tonya Extine-HopkinsGFC as Tonya HopkinsGoogle Circle as Bringing Up HopkinsButton at http://bringinguphopkins.blogspot.com/I like the skull print
Entered Boba and Lulu wrap
Entered the One Sized Pocket Diaper giveawayhttp://www.ecobabymamadrama.com/2011/12/bumblebaby-clothdiaper-review-gveaway.html#comment-form
Entered the Lotus Bumz giveaway http://www.ecobabymamadrama.com/2011/12/lotus-bumz-clothdiaper-review-gveaway.html#comment-form
I like the guitars print in the boy packageGFC = Regan SG+ = Anti-June Cleaveremail subscription = magickmoon73 at yahoo dot comYour buttons are at http://www.theantijunecleaver.comI am entered in the Boba and Bumblebaby giveaways
Robots Boys print
Information meant for "Extra Info" section on Rafflecopter:GFC name RominaG+ name Romina C.entered Boba carrier giveawayentered BabyKicks Hemparoo JoeyBunz Inserts giveawayposted buttons on http://justanotherhat.blogspot.com/
There was no extra info box. I follow on GFC as kalealynnekafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
I like the boys red plaid.kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
Entered the Boba giveaway. There was no extra info box.kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
all my names are the same Aubree Faunce, I cloth diaper because I have twins and diapers are so expensive plus my son is very sensitive
I love them all… for the boys my top picks are Monsters and Robots, Skulls, Red Plaid and Stars for the girls my top picks would be Paisley, Purple Butterfly, Pink Plaid and Pink Butterfly
I love the diaper with the flames.
I see a cute one with Guitars!
I like the flame print.ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered The Green Nursery giveaway.ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered the Applecheeks giveaway.ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
i like the blue and my gfc is Just Elisabeth
I entered the applecheeks giveaway.
GFC StaciGoogle+ Staci McKinleyFave print teal damaskFacebook Staci McKinleyTwitter @mommytoJack
My GFC name is Christina Gould.
My favorite is the Robots Boy’s Print.
i like the flames! i also entered applecheeks and lula carrier giveaways. twittername naemanic. thanks! nikkiperry84 at yahoo dot comNikki Perry
im following you on gfc with tamipearson at gmail dot com
i like their glow bug logo diapers - they are cute!
I added you on Google Plus as Allyson Bossiemasugr at yahoo dot com
I love the yellow diaper with red flames on it!masugr at yahoo dot com
There wasn't a comment box to put my GFC name on the form.My GFC name is : hannahachrissmileaigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
my favorite is the red diaper from the spectrum packageaigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
follow you on networked blogs (hannah knit)aigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
there is no comment box on the form to put what giveaway I enteredI entered the boba carrier giveawayaigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
there isn't a comment box on the form to enter what giveaway I entered.I entered the lulu wrap giveawayaigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
This comment has been removed by the author.
My gfc is Cynthia Brooks. I love the cupcake glow diaper for girls.
http://brooksymom-theonlycarseatyoullneed.blogspot.com/Grabbed both of your buttons in lower bottom of my page. Scroll all the way down.Blogged about as well at top of my page.
I entered the boba carrier giveaway as well.
I like the black one! thanks for the chance!
Robots print is too cuteGFC name is JennieGoogle plus is Jennie Swencki
entered boba carrier and itti bitty
I like the skullsGoogle + name Jessica BittkeGFC name: Jessica~Mom of all Trades
i like the red plaid print!!gfc is boyzrulegoogle+ is debbie m at dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot comtwitter is @boyzrule1networked blogs and fb is debnmike morettibutton is at:http://boyzruleinmyhouse.blogspot.com/early entries under : boyzrule and buttons at:http://boyzruleinmyhouse.blogspot.com/