Jamie the Work At Home Mom (wahm) of two hand makes each wonderful item in her online store and boy does she have an awesome selection! Her storefront is full of ready to ship items in several wonderful prints in various items such as baby leggings, baby blocks (wipes solution), cloth wipes, nursing pads, wet bags and of course cloth diapers!

Jamie sent me the cutest turtles print one sized pocket diaper. This is one of the most unique diapers I have ever had the pleasure to use on Tates. With snap closure and snap down rise making this a one sized pocket is very easy. The super wide pocket opening is located in the front and has a snap to close the opening. Turned and top stitched detail makes for a smooth edge on babies skin. These super trim pocket diapers have a hidden layer of PUL under the cute cotton knit print and an ultra cool pique lining that is up against babies tush and allows for a stay dry feel. The legs have PUL to prevent wicking and the elastic is very gentle leaving no red marks on chunky thighs.
The snap closure has two rows for wing droop prevention and also hip snaps and cross-over tabs to ensure a one size fit for every size baby. With three rise snap setting you can surely have the smallest baby in this cute cloth diaper. Tates is on the largest setting and is about 27 pounds but has room still to grow in the waist.
Look at that awesome fit! |
Look how trim! |
Each diaper comes with a super absorbent 4 ply bamboo fleece insert that is very generous in size allowing for customization whether you have a boy or girl. The diaper and insert are super quick in the laundry (I prefer to hang my shells to dry).
Jamie offers very thorough directions for prep and care of all her products online but doesn’t print and send them in an effort to save paper (LOVE IT!).
Buy It:
You can purchase any of Jamie’s wonderful creations at her online storefront and with her super affordable prices you can purchase lots! Her pocket diapers can be purchased for 40% off on Boxing Day (December 26th). You can preview them now though!
I love the Sesame Street print!
My GFC name is Melissa, and my Google+ name is Melissa Huie. I like the Landing Zone print. Thanks!
I entered the Lotus Bums and GoGreen giveaways!
I like the Red/Black Flowers print.
Love the Hoooot! Owls print!
My fav is the Elephants print.
PS - I entered the GoGreen and Red Barn givaways.
cmcosman at yahoo.com
I like Bumblebaby and Waddle waddle prints
I love the Waddle Waddle and Elephant prints!
I'm a gfc follower, PunkRockChic!
the elephants or sesame street
no extra spot- entered oh katy, go green, and all other giveaways.
fb share https://www.facebook.com/Bumblebabydiapers?ref=ts&sk=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=268058709916842&id=100002380203548
no extra spot.
I can't choose between the turtles, bumblebaby, and elephents. I love them all!
I like the hoooot! owl print.
GFC: arobinson45
G+: +Liz
FB: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I entered the smartipants and oh katy cloth diaper giveaway!
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I shared on FB (12/16/11):
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
The Hoooot! Owls gender neutral pocket diaper is freakin' adorable! So is the skulls
Since I don't know the sex of my unborn child yet, I'm sticking with unisex stuff! Love it
I entered the oh katy and lotus bumz
GFDC and Google+ name is Lori Davis. Same as my entry name.
I like the Hooot! Owls design diaper! Lori Davis
gfc - Amy M
entered giveaways - boba & GoGreen
I like Elephants and Later Gator!
love the space aliens print
annae07 at aol dot com
extra spot- entered oh katy and smartipants giveaways
annae07 at aol dot com
google + is the same
annae07 at aol dot com
I like Lime Daisy PUL
GFC - Julie G
Google + - Julie Ghrist
I entered the gogreen giveaway and I entered the oh katy giveaway
Gfc Bridgett zaidi
Would love a wet bag, like the guitar and zoology print
Other giveaways. Go green and glow bug
GFC name Olivia L
Google + Olivia Lasting
I love the Peace & Stars fabric and the pink zebra!
I also entered the Red Barn and Gorgeous & Green giveaways.
Love the robots!
Buttons at http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com
Blogged: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2011/12/bumblebaby-cloth-diaper-giveaway.html
Entered Smartipants and RNG
I would really like the LITTLE MISS KATE 4PK CLOTH WIPES
amymccarty at hotmail dot com
Amy Bailey
I like the ladybug print!
[email protected]
I follow on GFC- skbaron04
I entered the glox bug giveaway & lotus bum giveaway
[email protected]
My GFC name is Beth
I really like either the print hoot owl or tools
Thank you
Here is my share on facebook url the extra info box isn't opening
GFC, Network blog names Beth
Other giveaways gorgeous green and red barn
oh google + Beth
I like the green argyle minky.
I also entered SmartiPants and Go Green giveaways
The monster PUL is my favorite!
I like the girly skulls minty and would also love to try one of your wool soakers!
I'd like to try the cloth wipes.
I also entered the GlowBug giveaway.
GFC: mmmorgans
GFC: kk03220725
I like the elephants print!
no extra box. Fb share https://www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=9b9d20ceeb22b48ae3c2f8c5e4abe729&eu=hpA9hEelcN8xIfNo6toU7g#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=204448609639077&id=100002380203548
i love the monsters print and the cupcakes those 2 are adorable
Bonnie Rodriguez
i entered the glow bug diaper giveaway
Bonnie Rodriguez
i entered the gogreen giveaway
Bonnie Rodriguez
i shared on fb
Bonnie Rodriguez
I love the Hooooot! Owls PUL print!
There was no extra section for the "Enter Another Active Giveaway" entries, so I will post them here:
Entered Oh Katy Giveaway and Go Green Champ Giveaway
FB Share today (12/17/11):
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I love the monkey pirates print!
I like the Boy Dot Minky.
And there was no extra info section for another giveaway so I entered the Earthy Crunchy Mama Inserts
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
I like the pink argyle minky pattern!
GFC/google+ - Felicia R
Entered glow bug and ECM giveaways
I like the Small Wetbag with blue and green dots
Here is my FB share
I like the Boy Dot Minky print.
[email protected]
Lotus Bumz #ClothDiaper Review & G!veaway #FallingIntoFluff
Boba 3 Winner #Giveaway! Ends 12/30
[email protected]
FB Post (12/18/11):
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I'd love to try Laundry Tarts Detergent
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Entered your Red Barn Giveaway
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Entered your Go Green Giveaway
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
My favorite print is Elephants. menzies(at)bell(dot)net
FB share
I like the whoot!
Entered oh Katy and boba
i love the cupcake print.
entered oh katy giveaway
entered rockin green giveaway
I like the Bambi PUL print diaper
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
i love the banana monkeys!!!!!
kari meeker
karilynaley at yahoo
i love the owl print
entered GoGreen and Rockin Green
FB Share (12/19/11)
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I follow on GFC and Google+ as Ali Peterson.
Enetered Oh Katy and Lotus Bumz giveaways.
sneedleali at yahoo dot com
grabbed your Event button http://krystylco.blogspot.com/
GFC & Google+ : anji beane
I'd like to try the laundry tarts detergent. I have a thing for trying new laundry detergents (weird? probably…)
posted your button http://krystylco.blogspot.com/p/button-swap.html
your button is on my left sidebar
the falling into fluff button is on the right sidebar
FB share
I really like the hoot owls print
(rachel n on raffelcopter)
I like the Elephants print and the Bumblebaby diaper!
GFC: Amanda Alvarado
G+: Amanda A.
Giveaways entered: Gorgeous & Green and Red barn
tvpg at aol dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I'd love to try the Baby Blocks wipes solution and I think the Silly Monkey print is adorable.
sneedleali at yahoo dot com
My favorite is the elephants print.
GFC: mummytocharis
Google +: Sarah McKelvy
Your button is on my blog: mummytocharis.blogspot.com
Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=291616824209319&id=100002457123517
Giveaways entered:
Note: I'm sorry to put all this info here, but there weren't lines to put it in the RC form and you wanted it written where things were.
GFC Name: Raquel Beaty
Raquel B.
I love the Landing Zone and Bermuda Birdhouses! super cute. Also Google+ name is Raquel Beaty
FB share for today
fb share:
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I like the green argyle print- I love the idea of an argyle diaper!
I like the flower print.
Other giveaways entered:
Red Barn and Glow Bug
facebook name is mp phaiah.
i like the Blue Farm Animals print.
grabbed both your buttons: http://quiet-ct.blogspot.com/
gfc: m phaiah
entered your lotuz bumz and glow bug giveaways.
fb share for mp phaiah: https://www.facebook.com/quietct/posts/261918747203694
I like the monkeys! They have some cute stuff!
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
my GFC name is Stephanie Crosbie
Would love the aliens print!
green argyle minky!!
Green argyle minky!
FB share
i shared on fb
I also entered the Gorgeous & Green and Nifty Nappy giveaways.
lilydom76 at msn dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I like the Bambi print! So cute
I like the Monster and Giraffe prints! ngiraldi at gmail dot com
I would <3 to try anything of hers'.
CntrySccerChk (at) yahoo (dot) com
Oh my goodness! I love so many of her prints! Anything Owl I'm a huge fan of, as well as the diaper you tested! It is so cute! <3
Love the Monkeys and the Hoooot! Owl prints!
GFC and Google+ Brandy Nelson
entered glow bugs and sweetbottoms
We love elephants! -Sharon M
I like the Think Green Print.
GFC: Jen-B
google+ Jen B
I entered the Glowbug and Red Barn Nifty Nappy giveaways
Love the pink argyle minky print!!
fb share:
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I like their Girly Dots on Cotton print.
I like boy dot minky.
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I love the Stars PUL
Added to G+
Name: France Irish
Blog Button: http://franceirish.blogspot.com/
Falling into Fluff Button: http://franceirish.blogspot.com/
Blog POst: http://prettyandfab.tumblr.com/post/14709020989/bumblebaby-clothdiaper-review-g-veaway
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/franceirish/posts/272597546130574
I entered Boba Carrier
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
Shared today FB
Fb Share for today
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I'm so glad I found bumblebaby. I love the tomboy princess print. Can't wait until their sale tomorrow.
I would like to try the Laundry Tarts detergent.
GFC swedenesefamily
Google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/stream/circles/p172b8b0809f78ac7
shared http://www.facebook.com/guyanesegirl/posts/334747619871114
Entered Sweetbottoms baby
Entered Earthy Crunchy
icy_princess at msn dot com
FB Share:
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I'd like to try the wipe solution
I cloth diaper to save money, and I entered a whole bunch of your other giveaways! (Thank you!)
fb share:
loove ooga prints and gfc fancygrlnancy
google+ Nancy Partin/Arizona mama
sorry if this posted multiple times.. my son took off with my mouse as I was entering..
12/26 Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=209473499136447&id=858510203
12/26 Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=296540670388891&id=100002457123517
cupcake pocket
FB share
I would like to try the cloth wipes
GFC name : Jennie
Google plus: Jennie Swencki
entered itti bitty
I just placed an order for Sesame Street and Seuss prints today - really excited for these. And the new January prints!!
Fb Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
FB Share: https://www.facebook.com/franceirish/posts/210114202406410
FB share 12/27
I like the cupcake print.
[email protected]
I am entered in the Boba carrier giveaway.
[email protected]
I am entered in the Lulu giveaway.
[email protected]
12.27 Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=225499974193931&id=100002457123517
LOVE the banana monkey print!
I like the cupcake print!
GFC = April G
Entered Lotus Bumz and Sweetbottoms Baby giveaways.
icy_princess at msn dot com
fb share:
My favorite print is the Bambi PUL.
gfc - Jessica Snook
g+ Jessica Snook
facebook share - http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=349682921715427&id=100002990735593
Entered glow bug giveaway.
Entered Lotus Bumz giveaway.
I LOVE the giraffe print!!
Entered the Glow Bugs and Lotus Bumz giveaways.
GFC name: Jen D.
On rafflecoptor as Tonya Extine-Hopkins
GFC is Tonya Hopkins
Google Circle is Bringing Up Hopkins
I like the Green Argyle Minky
Button on http://bringinguphopkins.blogspot.com/
Entered Boba and Lulu wrap
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
entered lotus bums and glow bug giveaways
Entered Lotus Bumz one sized pocket Diaper giveaway
I love the front pocket snap closure. How unique.
[email protected]
there was no spot for GFC name = Tara
boy dot minky and hoot owl prints
taraz9 at excite dot com
I really really love the mushroom print!!
GFC- AlishaD
Google+ AlishaD
I like the skulls print
Also…I am following on g+ as Anti-June Cleaver
my blog address for the buttons is http://www.theantijunecleaver.com
I am entered in the Boba and Lotus Bumz giveaways
love these diapers!
cloth wipes
Information meant for "Extra Info" section on Rafflecopter:
entered Boba carrier giveaway
entered BabyKicks Hemparoo JoeyBunz Inserts giveaway
posted buttons on http://justanotherhat.blogspot.com/
FB Share 12.28: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=204164726339577&id=100002995657881
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
There's no 'extra info' box. i follow on GFC as kalealynne
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
I like the boy dot minky.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
There's no 'extra' section - entered the Boba giveaway.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
There's no 'extra info' section - entered the Glow Bug giveaway.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
There's on 'extra info' area - shared on Facebook.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com
FB share 12/28
FB Share: Alex Liz Robinson
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I like the Green Argyle Minky.
There was no extra section in the entry, but I also entered the glowbug diaper giveaway.
Shared on FB 12/29 — http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=351097861582981&id=100002995657881
I love the Elephants print!
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
- Networked blogs: Ps Mamae
- Entered : The Green Nursery Itti bitti and Rumpeez
- Buttons up: http://psmamae.blogspot.com
- Early entries commented on post as Vanessa C.
- Blog post about this giveaway: http://psmamae.blogspot.com/2011/12/eco-baby-mama-drama-bumblebaby-pocket.html
vnsscarv [!at]gmail[!dot]com
My favorite print is the Green Argyle Minky.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered the Glow Bug giveaway.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I entered the AppleCheeks giveaway.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=296859143682886&id=529602988
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
the extra info box is missing. Following GFC as babes mami, G+ as stephanie martinez or babesrockinmami and love the zebra prints!
Entered mobo and lunu wrap.
FB Share
love vroom! [email protected]
ilike the waddle waddle print
debnmike moretti
dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com
twitter is @boyzrule1
gfc is boyzrule
button and early entries at :
entered the lotus bumz giveaway