
It’s Funky Fluff Fall Festival Time! $120 Fluff Giveaway!

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Welcome to the Funky Fluff Fall Festival hosted by Eco Baby Mama Drama and Mama on a Green Mission! If you love fluff, are curious about fluff or know someone who fits that description, you are in the right place!! The Funky Fluff Fall Festival is a two week event all about Funky Fluff cloth…  Continue Reading…

Baby Kangas from Nature Bumz ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature

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Opened in October of 2010 and still going strong, Nature Bumz Co. is owned and operated by the Cline family in Ontario, Canada.  With shipping available to the US and Canada the family run business offers cloth diapers and other natural products directed towards mom and baby as well as offering services such as cloth diapering…  Continue Reading…

Tots Bots Easy Fit {Giveaway} from Thanks Mama ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature

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I have wanted to try the newest cloth diaper from Tots Bots since it came out and when Thanks Mama agreed to send me one for review I was stoked!  This really is a different cloth diaper, it is a pocket diaper and an all in one at the same time….confused yet?  Let me explain!…  Continue Reading…

Lovely Pocket Diapers ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature


After starting to cloth diaper with her first child at only two weeks old, Melissa was immediately addicted to cloth.  Expanding her cloth knowledge past her starter prefolds and finding the love for one sized pocket diapers.  Melissa founded Lovely Pocket Diapers to offer an affordable alternative to the more expensive options she found on the…  Continue Reading…

New Earth Diapers ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature {Giveaway}

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New Earth Diapers are custom, handmade cloth diapers that offer an affordable disposable diaper alternative, but are much more stylish too. Cloth is CUTE! Astrid the owner/maker offers several different diaper styles including pockets, All-in-Two (AI2), covers for prefolds and flats, swim diapers (that can also double as diaper covers) and pull up style training…  Continue Reading…

For the Monster ~ Knickernappies ~ {Giveaway} ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature


As many of you already know I am a cloth diapering babywearing attachment parenting mama so when I found For The Monster I immediately was at home with all the wonderful products Gena the owner offers.  From baby carriers to cloth diapers and everything in between that you might need to help raise your family…  Continue Reading…

Lotuz Bumz ~ Discount Code ~ {Giveaway} ~ Friday’s Fabulous Fluff Feature

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I think most of you know by now that I am a cloth diaper loving mama.  Well recently I have had the opportunity to try a new style of cloth diaper and boy have I found the minky love!  I reviewed Lotus Bumz pocket diaper before and it is still a popular diaper in our…  Continue Reading…

Blueberry Bamboo Fitted Cloth Diaper from Abby’s Lane #FallingIntoFluff

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Abby’s Lane is a unique online and most recently brick and mortar one stop shop for the natural parent.  Offering a huge selection of cloth diapers and diapering accessories that will make any fluff loving mama feel like a kid in a candy store.  The goodies don’t stop there either, there are also a wide…  Continue Reading…

Lotus Bumz #ClothDiaper Review & G!veaway #FallingIntoFluff

After seeing the physical benefits of cloth diapers had on her newborn son’s skin and knowing how much better for the environment cloth diapers are verses disposables Lorain knew more parents needed to know and be able to afford this great way of diapering so she started Lotus Bumz to provide affordable cloth diapers. Lorain…  Continue Reading…

Smarti Pants #Cloth Diaper #FallingIntoFluff

Being a cloth diapering mom of a heavy wetting little boy has lead to trial and error of many cloth diapers.  I had heard of Smarti Pants but hadn’t tried them and was super excited when I learned I would be able to test them out and share with my lovely fellow fluffy loving readers…  Continue Reading…