When we first began cloth diapering the amount of information was overwhelming to say the least. We were warned that it was addicting and we would want all the colors and prints. It’s true, every time new cloth diaper prints are released I am the first to admit I ‘NEED’ another diaper lol! When I was informed that a favorite of mine Smart Bottoms had new cloth diaper prints AND a few other new products I was ecstatic to be able to try them out!
We really adore our Smart One 3.0, a one-size all-in-one cloth diaper for so many reasons, please make sure to check out my full review, I think you will love them too!
I really love how fun the new prints are, the Ella is a fun floral pattern and the Emerson is a vibrant orange and green plaid, perfect for winter weather!Tates is over 35 pounds now but not ready for the potty so getting his cloth diapers to fit has become a dilemma. With the awesome cloth diaper waist extenders we are really able to make our stash last well past the guidelines. The Smart One 3.0 is designed to fit up to 35 pounds and with the extenders you can see there is tons of room to grow!
Along with their announcement of a newborn cloth diaper, Smart Bottoms announced their new Seat Saver which protects your car seats and other baby gear. I absolutely LOVE this thing!The Seat Saver is a generously sized pad that has a soft quilted top for extra padding where your child sits (car seat, chair, stroller) and a fun outer edge that matches the Smart Bottoms wet bags.
The PUL lined backing offers protection for your gear against babies spills or diaper leaks that might occur. If your kiddos are like mine they are always snacking (even in the car….sigh) and this is a great crumb catcher!
We are long time fans of Smart Bottoms all natural fibers and with these new products we are going to be long time Smart Bottoms product users!
One lucky reader is going to win some fabulous new Smart Bottoms! Enter to win a Smart Bottoms all-in-one Smart One diaper (or Newborn if you prefer) and Seat Saver!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Make sure you head over to see what Julie from A Year with Mom & Dad thinks about the new cloth diaper prints from Smart Bottoms!
I’m definitely most excited about the diaper. We could really use a few more. I’ve never tried smart bottoms.
I’m excite about their new seat saver. I just live their pail liner
I’m equally excited about both prizes - I’m obsessed with cloth diapers and I usually use a prefold diaper laid flat under baby in the carseat so having an actual Seat Saver would be super!
I really would love the seat saver… that is great!
I am most excited about the smart bottoms diaper. I love cloth diapers and would love to try this one!
I havent tried them yet but i’d really like to since they use natural materials rather than microfiber!
I haven’t tried SmartBottoms yet, but I’m definitely interested and probably will
I am so excited about both! I really want to have some smart bottoms in my stash and a seat saver would be soooo great!
Love SB’s AIOs, would have a whole stash of them if I could afford it!
I’ve never tried Smart Bottoms before. I am excited about the Seat Saver.
I’ve never tried one!
I havent tried smart bottoms before but I’m trying to expand my cloth diaper collection!!
I would love to try a SmartBottoms diaper! The seat saver is a genius idea too though!
I haven’t tried Smart Bottoms but would really like to, so I’d be most excited about that!
I’m excited about the Smart Bottoms diaper. I haven’t tried a diaper from them and would love to.
I’m excited about the Smartbottom AIO!
I haven’t had a chance to try the smartbottoms so this would be great to win
I’d love to try both of them but I’m most excited about the AIO diaper.
I’ve been waiting for a chance to try Smart Bottoms!
I am most excited about the seat saver. it will keep my expensive car seats looking nice and new
Def the diaper!
I am most excited about the diaper because I have never tried Smart Bottoms before!
I am most excited about the Smart Bottoms all-in-one Smart One diaper 🙂 I have never tried Smart Bottoms before…
I am super excited about both! If I had to pick one I’d say the diaper. I’m trying to build a stash.
I have never tried Smartbottoms so I’m super excited to try the diaper! However, I really need the seat saver! What a great idea!
I am most excited to try the SmartBottoms diapers. They look like a winner!
We have one smart bottom AIO, and I like it a bit. I love how trim they are. But I don’t like how they barely fit my little one anymore. 🙁
I really don’t like having to buy extra things so my diapers can work for me.
Beth Ann,
I’m sorry to hear they aren’t fitting your little one. Is baby still within the size limitations? I know some diapers just aren’t a great fit on some little ones, where or how are they not working fit wise? Maybe contacting Smart Bottoms customer service might be helpful?
I’m most excited about the diaper. I haven’t tried an AIO like this one before.
Have not tried smartbottoms yet, but they look awesome!
I am most excited to win the seat saver!! How cool is that!
I like the The Seat Saver!
I have not tried Smart Bottoms before.
I’m excited about both prizes. I’m trying to build my diaper stash and have about 6 diapers so far. I don’t have a smart bottoms diaper and would love one to try. I think the seat pad is a really good idea and I’d probably need one even though I hadn’t thought of it before.
The seat saver. #3 is on the wsy and we only have two.
I haven’t tried SmartBottoms before, but they look great!
I am excited about the Smart Bottoms diaper. They are made locally ( about 10 minutes away in Grand Rapids) and I hear nothing but great things about the brand.
Perhaps I will try that! I’ve never had any issues with any customer service of any diaper places, so I’m sure they would be amazing.
She is only 13 months, and by no means a huge baby, and they’re on the biggest that they go and barely snap. If I put them any tighter they would leave marks on her leggies. So they still fit, just . . . not for long. Maybe I’ll email them and see if I’m doing something wrong. 😉 (Which is entirely possible and likely!)
Beth Ann,
I remember that stage!! We were so there too, at 6 months old some dipes were getting too small on my chunky boy actually. The more he grew up (and less out lol) the dipes started to fit a bit more….basically he slimmed out a bit. If baby girl isn’t chunky these might just not be a good fit for her? I know some dipes we tried just never fit him right ya know?
Love the Seat Saver, but I’m really excited about the diaper. Never tried this brand!
I’m most excited about the Smart Bottoms diaper. Haven’t tried them before. Hope to soon!
I’m excited about the diaper 🙂 and no I have not tried them yet sadly
I’m a sucker for all things plaid, so that new diaper print is exciting! I’m also still on the hunt for an AIO that contains pee, so I’d love to give Smartbottoms a try.
I have one 3.0 that I am saving for baby #1!
i’ve never tried smart bottoms so i’d be super excited to win the diaper. i’ve always wanted to try one.
i never used a smart bottoms cloth diaper so im looking forward to winning that the most!!
The AIO…haven’t tried them before.
My baby’s on the way, so I’m still deciding which diapers to start with. I’m finding some great ideas here! Smart Bottoms sound great and I am totally exited about the Seat Saver!
I’d love to try both! I have never used Smart bottoms before. The Seat Saver looks like an
amazing idea/product! and well, who doesn’t love cloth diapers! mine started delaminating so i need a few more to replace them!
I’m excited about both prizes. I haven’t tried smart bottoms
I’m excited about the smartbottoms diaper.
I’m most excited about the diaper! I have a Smart One 3.0, but I’m waiting on my first LO so I can try it!
I’m definitely excited about the diaper giveaway! I’m trying to build my stash with different brands and types to see what we like best. SO cute, too!
Hmm… I think my comment didn’t post. =\ I’m definitely excited about the diaper! It is SO cute!