
Back to School Tips for Success #Tools4BTS

BGCA DisclosureWhen we recently moved my older son transferred school districts. We found out that school will now be year round and started much earlier than we expected, we had to get ready for the new year fast! With all the excitement going back to school can seem overwhelming for both kids and parents….keep calm, you got this covered!

Here are a few tips that can help get your school year off to a successful start:1. Get on a schedule: My teenager can’t stand this (lol) but I start getting him on a sleep schedule based on school hours way before school starts. Waiting until the last minute means super tired kids the first few days and they can’t pay attention when they are tired. Start maybe 2-3 weeks before school begins by going to bed earlier and getting up earlier each day by only 15-20 minutes and the transition is much easier ;). The week before school you can be set with wake up and bed time routines as a habit and one less thing to worry about.

2. Do your homework: This goes for parents and kids! Most schools have websites that offer very useful information such as registration schedules and/or requirements, bus schedules, even general supply lists that as parents we know is our “homework” to get ready for back to school. For kids, keep their brains sharp by doing some flash cards, worksheets or online activities to refresh their memories about skills they learned the previous school year.

3. Be Prepared: Make sure your kids head off to school with the needed tools to participate in class. Having the supplies they need is crucial to their success. Sure you won’t be able to have everything your child needs on the first day (some teachers handout their own classroom supply lists after school starts) however having some basic item (pens, pencils, paper, folders) ready for the first day is definitely preparing them for a great start. Make sure their backpacks are packed, pencils are sharpened and ready to head out the door for a great first day!

Sounds pretty easy huh? It can be if you give yourself time to prepare before school starts, the entire family will be successful!

When you are purchasing your families supplies this year, consider this: not every child can afford their school supplies.Thankfully the Boys and Girls Clubs of America have partnered with Disney to donate free school supplies to children in need nationwide. Now through Sept. 3rd you can play a fun game and get free supplies donated to help those in need! Simply visit the Boys and Girls Clubs of America website, click on the link that says “Ready, Set, GIVE” and play the fun and easy game! For every 5 correct answers you get on the quiz, school supplies will be donated. You can even play more than once, try to answer correctly enough to get supplies donated a few times!

Will you join me and take the quiz to get some free supplies donated?

I’d love to hear your back to school tips, please share what you have found useful to your families success!BGCA Disclosure


  1. I think that the #1 tip is the most important: stick to a schedule!

  2. Schedules are so so important! Great tip!

  3. Great tips! I agree with the schedule - and my only other tip is to get a dry erase board or calendar where you can put schedules down in a visual - that helps with all the different activities, school events, meetings, etc that come up during the school year.

  4. Without out schedule board, I don’t know how we would handle school, schedules are so very important.

  5. The “be prepared” tip is essential! I just got my son’s backpack ready last night and I feel total peace of mind now, even though he doesn’t start for another few weeks.

  6. I remember when I was a kid back to school time was so exciting, but I’m sure it was overwhelming for my mom. We took the bus to school but were often late and then she would have to drive us. I hope to stick to a schedule and be better prepared with my own little ones when the time comes, but I know it can be challenging!

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