Just follow these simple rules:
- Subscribe by email and
follow via Google+(or Linky Followers) to the four hostesses
(Nap Time is My Time, Great Contradictions, Just Us Four and Eco Baby Mama Drama).
Make sure to leave us a comment and we will return the favor.
- Visit as many blogs on the list as you can. If you like the blog subscribe to their email (feel free to follow on Google+ too, if you want)
- Leave them a comment with your blog
link so they know you are subscribing from Feed Me Friday.
Be sure to confirm your subscription!
Subscribing back is not mandatory, but it is recommended. It is a great way to build blogging relationships.
Since this is an email subscription blog hop, your blog must have a place for people to subscribe to your email.
If there isn’t an email subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky without warning.
Every Friday we will put up a new Feed Me Friday linky, so be sure to stop by and add your blog. Each week we will typically have a featured blogger, if you’d like to be our featured blogger next week, link up below. We’ll use Random.org to select one!
This Week’s Featured Blogger is…

Hi, I’m Fotini blogger of {Glamorous, Affordable Life}. I’m a Christian Wife, Mommy of 2, DIY-er, happy-go-lucky girl! I started blogging in 2009 while preparing for my Wedding. After my Wedding, I decided to continue blogging and sincerely enjoy doing it! I now blog about DIY crafts, home renovations (big and small), favorite recipes, family traditions, and so much more! I would truly love for you to follow along with me as I share my passions! Hope to see you soon

Thanks so much for linking up with this this week. If you’re a new participant, please be sure to leave a comment below!
Thanks for hosting! I’m already following all of these awesome hosts!
Have a great weekend!
Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations
Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations recently posted..Support - Pumpkin Pie Style
Thank you for hosting!

AlannaB recently posted..Diet Doc Thai Chicken Soup Mix Review + Giveaway!
Thank you for this blog hop!!

andi recently posted..Kenneth Copeland Freebies - Days 6 and 7
Hi there I am all liked up TY for hosting.
Scott M recently posted..The Patch Buddies Giveaway!
Thank you!