Just follow these simple rules:
Since this is an email subscription blog hop, your blog must have a place for people to subscribe to your email. If there isn’t an email subscribe option, your link will be removed from the linky without warning.
Every Friday we will put up a new Feed Me Friday linky, so be sure to stop by and add your blog. Each week we will typically have a featured blogger, if you’d like to be our featured blogger next week, link up below. We’ll use Random.org to select one!
Ashley is a work at home mom to two beautiful girls; 3 and 1, providing childcare in her home. She gets to spend her days playing and having fun, what could be better? Ashley blogs about the fun stuff that she does with her children and those in her home as well as sharing some yummy (sometimes healthy) recipes.
Thanks so much for linking up with this this week. If you’re a new participant, please be sure to leave a comment below!
Thanks so much for hosting!
GlamorousMommy recently posted..{ Our Christmas Tree 2012 }
Hi, subscriber via e-mail! What a great blog hop! We can always use new subscribers! Thanks for hosting!
Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations
Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations recently posted..It’s OK Thursday
Thanks for hosting this hop! I’m already a subscriber. I love your blog
I’ll check out the other ones tonight once I get the monsters to bed.