As a busy mom on a budget I was elated to find out that Walgreens is launching their all new Loyalty Card Program called Balance Rewards. This awesome new program allows you to save, earn, and redeem your points in store or online (beginning September 16th). If you pre-enroll before September 15th you will be entered into Walgreens 1 million points Sweepstakes! At the end of the promotional period 10 winners will be selected to win 1 million Balance Rewards points! The approximate retail value of the grand prize is $1,000 PER winner!
Signing up is super simple, you can go online or sign up right on your smart phone! You can also use your computer to send the mobile Rewards on-the-go app to your phone which is what I chose to do.
It was super easy especially because I already had an online Walgreens account from previous shopping, I just logged in to my current account on my newly downloaded app and activated my rewards and I was ready to go!
Once I was signed up and enrolled for my chance to win the Sweepstakes I was ready to start shopping from my phone. The best part about shopping from my phone? I can do it anywhere anytime, and now save money doing it!
I can keep track of my Balance Rewards, view my local weekly sales ads and create a shopping list so I don’t forget anything for my next trip. A super cool feature that I really love is that I can order online and have my items shipped to me or pick them up in store right after I pay is if I choose to. Any mom with little ones knows the quicker you can get in and out of a store the better, these options RULE!
I know exactly what I want (this time) so I search for it by name and it pops right up, choose my quantity and checkout….done!
You can see how I signed up online, downloaded the new app and shopped online in my complete Google+ album HERE.
Once I quickly confirmed my address was correct and entered my payment information I received an email confirmation of my order. I was also notified I would receive an email when my order ships (shipping ranges from 3-7 days).
Make sure you follow Walgreens on Facebook and Twitter so you can stay up to date on all their latest news and promotions!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Walgreens #CBias #SocialFabric
I love that this is mobile! I only wish I had a Walgreen’s closer to me. It’s such a great store!!
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas recently posted..Fall Fashion from Seraphine Maternity
I’ll have to check it out - I haven’t been to Walgreens in ages!
Anne @ Authentic Simplicity recently posted..Get Healthy Get Fit - 12 Weeks to Develop Good Habits
No way! We LIVE at Walgreens - this is so perfect for us! My hubby is there weekly for his prescriptions. It’s right outside of our neighborhood (walking distance). It’s our ‘go to’ store for everything in between our big shopping trips to the grocery store. Oh and I already have an online account too because that is where I send my photos to print… I can’t wait to sign up! Thanks for telling about this!
Danielle @ We Have It All recently posted..Introducing…Fitness Friday! Will You Join Us?
Nice! We just started shopping at Walgreens instead of CVS. Good to know they have this. Thanks!
Organic Eco Baby recently posted..Organic Eco Baby’s Grand Re-Opening {Cloth Diaper Giveaway}
I’ll have to check this out. It is nice that it is mobile!
Mallory recently posted..Favorite Teacher
I love this mobile app and think the Balance Rewards are going to be really great! We are literally a mile from Walgreens so I go there all the time and can’t wait to use it more! Thanks for giving such a great explaination!
Jeannette recently posted..Making Convenient Shopping Even Quicker and Easier with Walgreens #BalanceRewards! #CBias
I love this app! It is so easy and convenient to use! I’m excited about the rewards program starting :).
Whitney Jordan recently posted..Walgreens Balance Rewards Loyalty Program
Awesome! I love learning about new ways I can save money and we have a Walgreens right down the street. Perfect!!
Danielle Harper recently posted..Best Cities to Raise Children in the United States {Guest Post}
That does sound almost fun..of course, saving $$ always is!
I’m really excited for this program to launch- I am happy to see more big chains integrating digital interaction.
I love this program and am glad Walgreens came up with it. Makes it so easy for us Walgreens fans!
mel recently posted..Metamorphic Toys Kids Mailbox Review-Giveaway!
Yet another reason why Walgreens rocks. Thanks for all the great info. I live right down the road from one and it’s my go-to shop for sure.
Tiffany Revels recently posted..Noise Girls For the Family Giveaway Event! – Big Sister Package $382+
Looks like a really helpful app!
Bre Dale recently posted..Miinto $100 Giveaway and Intro
I’ve got the app ,and have already ordered photos directly from my phone:-)
Libby’s Library recently posted..More Free Blogger Giveaway Event Opportunities
Oh I haven’t done photos yet! I NEED to print pictures too, I always just save them to my computer. Totally should start printing them!
Eeek! I love that I can print the pictures from my phone!
Walgreen’s is our main pharmacy so I shop there frequently. i just have to sign up soon.
Tara S recently posted..#MMM Now, I’m Annoyed
There isn’t a Walgreen’s near me that I know about but good to know for the future.
Felissa (Two Little Cavaliers) recently posted..Cooking for Dogs Turkey Meatballs
I’m so excited for the program to become active! This is going to save me SO much money

Shell Fruscione recently posted..Save Time & Money with Walgreens #BalanceRewards!
I love that they have an app. I like their weekly deals but this is just another great reason to shop at Walgreens. Thanks for sharing!!
Amanda recently posted..Pregnancy Journal | Week 17
I love this app and oh the things I could buy with $1000 at Walgreens!
Kristy recently posted..Baked Apple Cinnamon Doughnuts
Walgreens is one of my favorite shops! Thanks for sharing this. They already have such great deals and this makes me want to go shopping even more.

Jenell Hunter recently posted..Carter’s Halloween Boo-tique Outfits & $50 Gift Card Giveaway
I’m so glad Walgreens started a rewards program - I love shopping there!
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