Being a skin cancer survivor sunscreen is a huge deal in my home. It is a must year round and being eco-friendly is a huge bonus but not all sunscreens are created equal ya know. I want sunscreen that is free of harmful chemicals, long lasting, smells good or like nothing (not stinky basically), goes on easily without leaving streaks, can be used on my face and body and can be used on my kids and husband an myself. Tall order huh? Well Miessence Reflect Outdoor Balm has everything I want in one bottle!
With the complete list of ingredients right on the Ely Organics website there are no secrets and no questions about what you are getting. The water free skin nourishing balm offers microfine zinc oxide protection that is safe for your entire family. Protecting against both UVB and UVA spectrum, it is the closest thing to a total sunblock on the market today. No other sunscreen ingredient provides broader protection.
Although the balm states it has SPF of 15 however it technically tests up to 27 (Due to regulations in Australia for SPF ratings, ONE Group would have to have this product manufactured in a licensed SPF facility instead of their own manufacturing plant to claim an SPF higher than 15.)
The balm goes on easily and absorbs quickly and only needs to be reapplied every two hours! The light scent reminds me of a tropical treat and isn’t overbearing at all.
My family is safer from the sun with Miessence and Ely Organics and that is a wonderful feeling. Your family can now be too, enter below to win a gift card to Ely Organics and you can stock up on Miessence Reflect Outdoor Balm as well as all the other wonderful products Ely Organics offers!
Please note that my rss subscription is via my 14earth gmail account, not the account associated with my Facebook account. There was nowhere to put this information in the rafflecopter form.
angie lilly recently posted..Tagetes patula 8×10 print (other sizes available - see shop announcement) by FotoMacro
I appreciate you taking the time to let me know Angie!
no problem! just didn’t want there to be any confusion because the email tied to my FB acct is different!

angie lilly recently posted..Tagetes patula 8×10 print (other sizes available - see shop announcement) by FotoMacro