Rana is the owner of Dearest Diapers and her story about starting cloth diapering reminds me a lot of my own beginnings in cloth. She too like myself has an older child that wasn’t cloth diapered and didn’t really know much about modern cloth diapers until her youngest was a few months old. Just like Tates her little one has super sensitive skin (her little guy actually has eczema like my oldest T-Bone does). Rana tried several different disposables brands which only irritated her son’s condition further….then she discovered cloth diapers! Rana immediately noticed an improvement in her son’s skin and overall happiness in general (how sweet is that?!) and soon Dearest Diapers was born so she could share her knowledge with others.

Rana generously sent me a one sized Rumparooz G2 pocket cloth diaper with microfiber inserts (hemp inserts are an optional upgrade for these diapers) in the most adorable Kangarooz print. Adjustable with easy to use rise snaps settings and front snap closure (hook & loop closure is also available) this diapers color coordinated snaps are super cutely engraved and I just had to share!
This one sized diaper has guidelines that state on it’s smallest setting it should fit a 6 pound baby whereas most one sized diapers don’t fit until 8 pounds. The diaper appears to be slightly smaller than some other one sized diapers we own and I do think it would fit a newborn, obviously dependent on the size of your baby of course. Both of my newborn babies were large (8 pounds 15 ounces and 7 pounds 15 ounces) and I didn’t start cloth diapering until Tates was 5 months old so I haven’t had the pleasure of cloth diapering a newborn yet. The diaper is supposed to fit up to 35+ pounds and Tates weights about 29 pounds so I have no doubts it will fit him.
Something I really like about this diaper is the unique 6r soakers (inserts). Each diaper comes with microfiber inserts (newborn and one sized) each offering 3 layers of absorbent material. The 6 in the soaker name refers to the setting options offering you a truly customizable absorbency for each child. I also really like that the newborn insert is contoured wich is great for smaller babies and also if you are using both inserts for a heavy wetter because there is a little give area to avoid bulk in between the babies legs to avoid bunching of the inserts. The inserts have snaps to keep them in place whether they are snapped down or to snapped (attached) to each other.
Another unique feature this diaper offers is the (patent pending) double inner gussets which are super strong as the have their own stretchy elastic to keep them in place hugging babies curves and holding in any messes however the gussets are very gentle, never leaving any marks.
The large pocket opening is quite visible and is also easily stuffed (even with both inserts!). The inside of the diaper is made of hypo-allergenic no-pill microchamois that is ultra soft, the inside seriously feels like is gets softer with every wash! I hang dry my pockets and the inside of this diaper is never crunchy from air drying.
The diaper fits Tates great, the inner gussets along with the elastic on the back and legs cradles his delicate skin while holding strong when Tates dishes out a BIG mess never having any leaks. His round belly and thighs fit comfortably in this diaper and he still has room to grow.
The diaper is very absorbent on our heavy wetter and is still very trim!
We simply adore this diaper and would love having an entire stash of them!
Buy It: You can purchase Rumparooz products along with lots of other cloth diapers and diapering supplies, baby carriers and baby neccessities at Dearest Diapers online store.
She has teething necklaces! I'd love to try one!
bumGenius Elemental OS Cloth Diaper
itti bitti tutto OS
I would like to try a Bumgenious Free Time diaper
-Hannah Avery
My favorite diaper Rumparooz newborn or the ecoposh
I've been wanting to try RaRs!
itti bitti d'lish
I love the grovia AIO in nature
(Rachel N on raffelcopter)
I love BG newborn diapers!
bg freetime!
My favorite item is the Baltic Amber teething necklace (any color) because they work! (And look good.) 🙂
I love the bumGenius Elemental AIO!
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
I love Scarlet's Natural's Hiney Honey Cream…that stuff rocks!
[email protected]
BG Freetimes!
Fuzzibunz elite!
i love go green diapers but i want to try the bumgenius freetime AIO
I love Thirsties AIO!
Baby carrier sling
Happy Heinys!!
She carried the Boingo Diaper Fastener. I really want to get some of these.
FuzziBunz Trickle Free Trainer
Ones and Twos!
Rumparooz Lil Joey AIO 2-pack
I love the GroVia AIO's!
i love bumGenius 4.0 OS Stay-Dry Cloth Diaper, fav diaper out of my whole stash!
SBISH OBF's! So nice for night time!
love the bum genius 4.0
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I love the itti bitti tuttos!
Planet wise Pail Liner
I like the ecoposh
Pail liners
Soft bums echo
BG Freetime
Love the gro via diapers!
Thirsties four ai1
I love the Thirsties Duo AIO in Alice Brights.
I'd love to try a teething necklace or a Thirsties Duo AIO.
I like the Thirsties AIO in Alice Brights.
I need some Lil Joey's, so that's my fav right now 🙂 Actually, any newborn diaper works.
I love CJ's BUTTer Wool Wash.
ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com
I'd like to try the EcoPosh Recycled Organic Training Pants.
I would really like to try some Kawaii Training Pants
Grovia AI2 🙂
I like the GroVia My Choice Trainer
Bumgenius 4.0!
I love Oh Katy's! (just Brittany on rafflecopter)
I think the Rumparooz Newborn Covers are the cutest, especially Lux.
I love baby legs!
I've always wanted a FuzziBunz® Chrome Diaper Sprayer
love the Thirsties AIOs.
linda hawes
Favorite item: Beco potty. We have one and are loving it.
Smart Snugs Simple Snug Pocket Diaper
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted are my favorite cloth diaper that they carry. 🙂
itti bitti tutto OS Diaper!
I love the Wahmies wet bags 🙂
amymccarty at hotmail dot com
thirsties aio
Fuzzibunz perfect size diaper.
Itti Bitti's they are at the top of my wish list.
itti bitti boo Fitted Diapers
[email protected]
I like the white Thirsties Duo All-in-One
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
Thirsties Duo All-in-One
EcoPosh Recycled Organic One Size Fitted Pocket Diaper
FuzziBunz® Trickle Free Trainer
I like the bumgenius diaper sprayer.
arobinson45 (at) woh.rr.com
I LOVE SoftBums Echo Shell!!!!
I love the Best Bottoms!
The Rumparooz is one of my favorite dipes. I only have 1 and the rise on it is short so he is quickly outgrowing it. I wonder if the G2 is different?
Oh Katy!
(mary michaud)
Fuzzibunz Elite
oh katy one size!
bumgenius… and a whole bunch of brands I would love to try!
I love Grovia, but I'd like to try an itti bitti or oeko popo.
Thirsties Duo AIO
Actually Rumparoos are one of my very favorite diapers! I only have one, so it would be great to win!
Chelsea Wong
I love Gro Via AIO's!
My favorite is the itti bitti dlish
My favorite item is the PlanetWise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag.
O Katy! I love the colors of these diapers! 🙂
O Katy! I love all the colors of these diapers. 🙂
I also love the GroVia covers/shells! We would loooooove to try a RaR with my daughter! (and newbie in August)
Thirsties duo diapers!
I really liked the selection of teething necklaces.
I like the O Katy diapers!
So many things! I LOVE the "used" section though and the clearance as I'm open to trying other diapers but want to get a good deal of course. 🙂
I love the PW wet/dry bag. I need to get another!
PW wet/dry bag! I love those things
the Rumparooz diapers!!!!
Ones & Twos One Size All-in-One Diaper
This diaper Rumparooz G2! I LOVE this diaper!
One word….Sloomb….
Christine Lopes
I love the PW wet bags 🙂
[email protected]
I love the PW wet bags 🙂
[email protected]
I love the PW wet bags 🙂
[email protected]
I love the PW wet bags 🙂
[email protected]
been wanting to try RaRs
I love that they have such a huge variety of products. I'd love to try a best bottom diaper.
My favorite item from DD is the Scarlet's Naturals Hiney Honey Rash Creme.
I like Kawaii's
I love the WAHMies fun prints wetbag!!!
rumparooz, wet bags, teething necklaces, you name it-looks like Rana has it all.
I like the FuzziBunz® Perfect Size Diaper
all in one diapers
all in one diapers!!
I love the Rumparooz G2 OS!
Thirsties covers
I would love to try a Sustainablebabyish Knit Wool Cover.
I have been dying to try the GoGreen Champ 2.0s, not my favorite item since I have tried them but I think they would be if I did!
I like the RaR Lil Joey diapers!
I'd love to try the itti bitti d'lish All-in-One! ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Would love to try an applecheeks diaper!
I'd love to try a Ones & Twos diaper!
She has the oeko popos!! very excited to try it!
i love the hotslings baby sling!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
I love AppleCheeks!
I love AppleCheeks!
My favorite item at Dearest Diapers is the Thirsties Duo AIO. I'd love to try that diaper.
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
BumGenius, Thirsties, and Rumparooz!
I like the Go Green champ diapers!
Rumparooz, because I already have one and love it!
I'm not it is a favorite, but I'd love to try a BG FreeTime that she carries!
I would love to try the an apple cheeks diaper.
I would love to try an apple cheeks diaper.
SoftBums Omni or Kawaii diapers
I love my AppleCheeks diapers 🙂
Best Bottom Diapers! But it's a hard question because she carries so many of my favorite items. 🙂
I like the Flip OS Stay-Dry diapers!
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
The GroVia AIO is my favorite item. 🙂
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
I love BumGenius
BG Elemental! 🙂
I like BumGenius 4.0 diapers
Itti Bitti AIO
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
I'd like to try the CJ's Butter or a teething necklace
I would love to try a Happy Heiny!
I love all the Thirsties products, but the Duo Diaper has to be of my favorites. Thanks for the giveaway!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
Absolutely love Rumparooz!
jsapalio at yahoo
love the teething necklaces, I have always been interested in those.
I like fitteds and would like to try the Sbishes.
Rumparooz and Itti Bitti D'Lish:-)
Kawaii heavy wetter diapers!
I just won a BG Freetime from Rana…it's wonderful!
Smart Snugs!
I have heard great things about the Itti bitti d'lish and would love to try them on my little princess!
(Sara M)
Itti bitti dlish
The champ 2.0
Well, baby hasn't come yet, but I'm really liking the look of the new Ones & Twos diapers - I hope it works well with baby girl so I can order some more.
Jodi J
I have and love my itti bitti, don't have Rumparooz or oeko popo would love to try those
Oh Katy one size pocket diaper.
I would love to try the itti bitti tutto one size!
would love to try softbums
I have been wanting to try a EcoPosh Recycled Organic One Size Fitted Pocket Diaper
Love the GroVia AI2
i love gogreen diapers
annae07 at aol dot com
I would love the EcoPosh Recycled Organic One Size Fitted Pocket Diaper in Love…soooo cute
Fuzzibunz Elite is my fave!
hun423 at hotmail.com
i <3 itti bitti's SO lush - [email protected]
GroVias are my fave 😀
i love the thirsties duo AIO
crushed berries fuzzibunz is my fav
Hotslings Baby Slings (Carrier)
Bumgenius elemental. I would love to try it.
bg free times
swak50 at hotmail dot com
Cindy B (on fb/rc) I like the fuzzibunz (those are one of the few I've tried); DS has been out of diapers for a while so looking at trying a few other options and want to try rumparooz and applecheeks as well as some others. Thanks for a great giveaway
Best Bottoms!
I love Oeko Popo!
I love the Applecheeks delicious print diaper!
I would like itti bitti's or rumparooz. Neither of which I have added to my stash but I have heard great things about!
The FuzziBunz Diaper Talk is my favorite.
Thirsties Duo AIO is my favorite item on the website masugr at yahoo dot com
Love Fuzzibunz!
Dying to try one of those teething necklaces!
i've been wanting to try an oh katy diaper - the orange color is my son's favorite!
Grovia nbs
Sustainablebabyish Bamboo Terry Flats
gothickornchic at gmail dot com
Applecheeks swim diapers
Apple cheeks swim diapers
Wanna try this one!
I also like the 'Oh Katy One-Size Pocket Diaper.'
[email protected]
entering as Shannons Funpage
love the diapertalk diapers
I like so many things on her site! Ive already been on there twice today
My favorite things i see in her shop are the BG 4.0's and the Grovia's. But my opinion is biased as i haven't tried Okaty and some of the other brands she carries. I would love to try one of the Oeko Popo diapers though!
Bum Genius
Wahmis wet bags!
thirsties duo all in one diapers
I like the GroVia All in One (AIO) One Size Cloth Diapers
I love the Lil Joeys!
Thirsties are some of our favorites, but I'm starting to look for teething necklaces for our LO, too.
I love Thirsties Duo Wraps with the Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefold.
I love Thirsties Duo Wrap covers with the Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefolds.
RaR lil joey aio 2 pk
bumGenius OS 4.0
I love the Ecoposh wool covers!
tvpg at aol dot com
I like the rump-a-rooz! It's the only name brand diaper I've tried.
Fave: Wahmies wet bags
the itti bittis! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Ones & Twos One Size All-in-One Diaper!
Tie between the Rumparooz and Fuzzbunz elite
I love Rumparooz! And Thristies!
I like the rump-a-rooz!
My favorite is Happy Heinys one size pocket diapers in the cow print.
zootastic at peoplepc dot com
I love the Best Bottom Diaper in black & white…looks like a Holstein cow!
Itti Bitti Tutto Zeebra
Itti Bitti
I like Planetwise wet begs the best
bumGenius Elemental OS Cloth Diaper
SoftBums Omni…one of my favorite diapers so far 🙂
[email protected]
BG All-in-One!
Love the special edition Moby