When trying to make changes in my families life towards being more healthy one of the first things I think of is not only what goes in our body (food) but what goes on our bodies. Not just clothing but skincare products, your skin is the largest organ and I think people overlook it too often. Have you ever taken a moment to look at your daily lotion, body wash or sunscreens ingredients? There are so many ingredients that I can’t even begin to pronounce let alone know what they are. That is pretty scary in my opinion. That is one of the coolest parts of TruKid Natural and Organic Kids Products, you can see their entire ingredients list right on their website and exact descriptions of what those ingredients are and what the uses for each ingredient is.
TruKid products are BPA andPhthalate free! We make safe products that families can feel good about; our certified organic and natural ingredients are always SLS, paraben, 1-4 Dioxane and Gluten-free!
Jennifer Adams Bunker is mother of 6 and creator of TruKid, and was hesitant to use the chemical filled, unhealthy and ‘yucky’ smelling products on the market that were available so she set out to make something that was. Using only natural ingredients, and essential oils to make scents that children love, she created an easy system, made up of products accompanied with fun songs and poems, that kids would want to use themselves. The rest as they say, was TruKid™ history.
Jennifer, who by the way personally corresponded with me from the start; so generously sent me
Happy Face and Body Lotion
Bubbly Body Wash
Friendly Face Wash
Dancing Detangler
Helping Hand Wash
Sunny Days SPF 30+ Sunscreen
Sunny Days SPF 30+ Sunscreen Stick
Cool Conditioner and
Silly Shampoo!
The bottles are easy to handle (my 15 month old likes to play with them in the tub!) but last quite awhile, we have been using them for over 3 months now and they are still very full. I also love that you can lock/unlock the pumps with one hand so you don’t have to take your hand off baby in the tub if you forgot to unlock the silly shampoo before you have a squirmy baby that isn’t wanting to get washed up! Although my boys don’t have long hair I used the Dancing Detangler on my mid back length super thick and wavy hair and it worked fabulously! And all of the products have a wonderful light citrus scent that lasts but isn’t overwhelming. I really love the Learning System, TruKid has created on the bottles~through symbols and colors showing kids which body part to use that particular bottle on (face/body/hair) and there is even an “Apply with a parents help” symbol!
I highly recommend all these products to everyone!
You can purchase these affordable products in single bottles or convenient 3 packs to save even more at the TruKid Online Store.
**This is not a paid post. The opinions of this product are strictly that of my own and completely unbiased! **Thank you to the sponsor for the chance to review this product and for giving one lucky fan a prize!
TruKid products are BPA and Phthalate free and awarded TruKid's entire line the safety rating of [email protected]
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I follow you via gfc and something I learned is that TruKid has the safest rating for kid's skin care products according to EWG. Very [email protected]
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I've love TruKid sunscreen - bought it a year ago and I've been stalking them, waiting for the new Water Resistant formula, arriving June 6!!
I just learned from their website that their products contain Balm Mint Extract, which has "high antioxidant levels, used as topical balm provides relief from itching and redness. Helps speed up the healing process." Very interesting! I Love TRUKID!!! :)[email protected], long-lasting, reusable products - better for your family, better for the Earth - better for your budget!! http://www.megansnorwex.com
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i learned that TruKid products are BPA and Phthalate free. that's great!taraz9 at excite dot com
follow you on FB - tara eliastaraz9 at excite dot com
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I'm a GFC follower and I learned a whole lot about "tear free" products VERY interesting!Laurenjagertheqt@yahoo .com
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I didn't know that the TruKid company was so focused on overall healthy habits..not just healthy skincare!I also didn't know that they were developing a line for adults!stkc79 at gmail dot com
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Follow you on GFC (Nina H)I learned they're certified organic!hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com
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Mandatory entry [email protected] was unaware that some sunscreens damage reefs.
I follow you on FB as Karhma D.kdent1(at)indy.rr.com
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Follow via GFC. I learned that their sunny days sunscreen is waterproof.tvpg at aol dot com
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Trukid has one of the safest sunscreens available.I follow you via [email protected]
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GFC follower and I learned that their products have the safest rating of all kids care [email protected]
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I did not know about the TK Foundation! Thanks for the [email protected]
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Following via GFC and I found out on the trukid site that the business got started bc she found her kids with her wrinkle cream one day.
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