
Three Things Thursday ~ Week 11

It’s that time again! Another week of Three Things Thursday!! Are you enjoying this feature? Let us know your thoughts and if you have questions for us be sure to let us know! We would love to have your input!

If you are new this week, welcome and thanks for stopping by!

Here is how it works: Remember those emails that used to go around all the time, the ones that were like 20 questions about you and you were supposed to answer them and email to all of your friends to let them learn new things about you? Well, we are bringing them back with a twist!

In today’s busy world sometimes we don’t get to know people as well as we would like to so Mama on a Green Mission and I thought we would bring back a fun getting to know you weekly feature.

Three Things Thursday

We will post three questions and give up to three answers for each question to let you learn more about us. You see many reviews from us so we want to give you the chance to learn other things about the green gals behind the reviews! :) Hopefully you learn some fun facts and aren’t too shocked!

First Three Jobs:

  1. Marsh - (supermarket) in the floral department
  2. Burger King - actually at the same time as Marsh and yep I still ate there while working there
  3. Malibu Tanning - this was probably a major factor in me having a few bouts with skin cancer later in life 🙁
Concerts I’ve been to:
  1. Poison -  my first concert ever!
  2. Milli Vanilli - yep I went there (lol) but who was singing?!
  3. Vanilla Ice - I can still get my jam on to some Ice Ice Baby….too cold, too cold!
Three Addictions:
  1. Mt Dew - This one is BAD and needs to stop!
  2. My phone - I’m too available
  3. Lip Balm - I can NOT be without it 24/7, several tubes are close by at all times

Please feel free to share your answers as well as submit ideas for questions for future posts! I won’t guarantee we will answer them all though 😉

If you are a blogger please feel free to post your answers and link up with us so we can get to know you better! You can get the InLinkz code and add it to your post if you’d like!


  1. Ohhh the floral department sounds fun!! You have to be creative for that!! 😉 Mt dew..I forgot that one! And you and BA are just alike with the lip balm (chapstick)! He always has it on him! ohhhhhhhh, and Milli Vanilli???? Girl, I used to love them! Singing it now…thanks! LOL
    April G recently posted..An All New Edition of Three Things ThursdayMy Profile

    • LOL! I totally faked the creative floral stuff! Mt Dew, I am so working on it…cutting way down! I’ve been to so many concerts but these were the funnest to admit too and laugh about!

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