
BabyLegs For All Seasons! #clothdiaperhop

Ever since I started cloth diapering years ago I have wanted to try BabyLegs.  For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, these are legwarmers for your baby however are great for older kids too!  They come in a variety of colors and styles and if you happen to have a little one that has super chunk thighs no worries, they carry socks too!

We were sent a nice little collection of sock and legwarmers to try out including the Vroom Vroom Socks which *might* be my favorite!

I really love so many things about both the socks and legwarmers; the vibrant colors, super fun designs, the super soft right out of the package feel (perfect for babies skin!) and most of all the ease of use and care.

These sets are definitely on my wish list for the upcoming fall/winter season when Tates is always wearing socks, aren’t they simply the cutest?!

As you can see I barely got the socks out of the package before Tates wanted them on and was prancing around the living room….I could barely get pictures!

As you can see the legwarmers were a new thing and confused Tates a little.  Too cute how the socks and legwarmers match huh?

I am really excited to be able to have a couple pairs of the legwarmers for the diaper bag, with the in between warm to chilly weather I don’t need to pack shorts AND pants anymore I am just going to always have BabyLegs with me! For season to season BabyLegs has us covered!

Win some BabyLegs right here during the Flufftastic Summer Celebration Grand Prize Giveaway Event! Make sure to connect with BabyLegs on Facebook too!


  1. I love BabyLegs! My daughter is a chunk, so they don’t always come up all the way, but they’re adorable regardless and I always get compliments on them when we are out and about. 🙂
    Kiersten W. recently posted..You’re Cordially Invited to my Pity PartyMy Profile

  2. Tates looks as obsessed with socks as my youngest. lol I haven’t bought BabyLegs in a while, but I think it’s time I check them out again.

  3. Michelle F. says:

    Love the baby legs. What a great idea.

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