Do you ever catch yourself saying or doing something your parents did when you were a child? I know I do, and quite often, specifically when it comes to saving on energy costs. ‘Close the door you are letting the air conditioning out” is one I say often for sure. In today’s economy every penny counts right? If you have appliances that aren’t energy efficient you could potentially be throwing your money down the drain and not even realize it.October is Energy Awareness Month and it’s a great time to upgrade to new energy-efficient appliances, televisions or computers to save money on your home energy bills. Did you know that the average home’s annual energy bill is $2,200? Beyond savings from simply having energy efficient products, local utility companies provide additional rebates that can save you up to $300. To find rebates available in your area, check out the Best Buy online rebate finder here. You can turn your home into an energy efficiency green home without even trying!
Best Buy can help you save on your energy costs with the wide selection of more than 2,300 unique ENERGY STAR certified products, available in Best Buy stores as well as online. You know ENERGY STAR appliances can save you money but they also save you time which is precious in today’s busy world we can all use that!
With a partner like Best Buy offering ENERGY STAR certified products we were able to upgrade our laptops, TV’s, kitchen appliances and washer and dryer when we recently moved and we have already noticed the monthly savings. Trust me when I say these purchases are a worthwhile investment in your home, the environment and your own bottom line each month!
October 2, 2013
“if I have to stop this car” - haha I always wanted to say that one… haven’t had to yet thank goodness! LOL
We try to make sure all our appliances are Energy Star rated as we replace the old ones!