As a mom what I feed my family is very important to me. I was introduces to the importance of organic foods and a healthier lifestyle when I became pregnant with my youngest and my niece was diagnosed with Leukemia and have never looked back. I’ve shared before how important organic foods are to my family and that’s a big part of why I agreed to work with Take Part and help them to promote the Support Organic Farming campaign to try to get as many people to pledge their support for this truly important cause.
Why Support Organic Farmers?
If you have ever purchased organic foods you are aware that they are more expensive that non-organic, why is that? Have you ever asked yourself WHY does it cost more to be healthier? Anyone else think it shouldn’t be this way? Providing healthier pesticide free foods for our families should be EASIER for families don’t you think?
It’s YOUR Tax Dollars, Shouldn’t YOU Decide How They Are Spent?
Congress will soon vote on a new farm bill - the federal measure with the greatest impact on the food we eat. Currently, your tax dollars go to highly profitable agribusinesses that don’t need the help and to people who don’t live anywhere near a farm. The government does very little to help farmers grow organic fruits and vegetables.
Let’s Make A Change Together!
You can join me and sign the petition below and send a message to your Congress! Instead of giving billions of dollars in subsidies to those who don’t need them, I want my money put to better use. I want my tax dollars to promote organic farming, support real working farm families, protect land and water and help feed children. Let’s invest in smarter food and farm policies.
We CAN Make a Difference!
Every pledge counts and CAN make a difference, whether you choose to display your signature or not signing is important! Your information is secure and will not be shared publicly or sold. By signing this petition, you are telling Congress that you want your tax dollars to go to programs that help families gain greater access to healthy, affordable food in the new farm bill. Please join me and take the pledge and providing better foods for every family.
This petition will be sent to Frank D. Lucas, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and Debbie Stabenew, Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
Thanks to TakePart for sponsoring today’s discussion
I wholeheartedly agree! 🙂 Very clearly spoken, er, written! 🙂
JulieK recently posted..Why You Should Be a Locavore
I agree! We live in a small town - and we support all of our local farmers. Great post!!
Kelsey Apley recently posted..Have you signed up for Amazon Local? Great way to save money for Local Shopping and Online!
I agree, this is something that we all needed to know, thanks for sharing.
Susan recently posted..IRON MAN 3 - New Clip #Ironman3event
Well said! We always support our organic and local farmers. Thanks for letting us know about the petition.
Amiyrah recently posted..Save Big – Shop Ahead For Your Kids
Very interesting. I do prefer to shop for organic food and to shop local as much as possible.
Cyn recently posted..The Ultimate Blog Party #UBP13
I’m not completely convinced that organic foods are superior but I wholeheartedly agree that we need to stop subsidizing big ag.! Our tax dollars shouldn’t be choosing winners and losers in the market. With the growth in the demand for organic I’m sure organic farmers will see even more growth if everyone is playing by the same rules. The farm subsidies need to go away. John Stossel did a program on the farm subsidy program that showed exactly what you’re saying. Most subsidies go to large corporations and wealthy people some of whom don’t even work the land and make it harder, not easier for small, family farms (both organic and non-organic) to compete. I’m a fan of capitalism and a truly free market. Corporate welfare isn’t a free market.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I feel strongly about this issue but really struggle with feeding my family good food while also reigning in the grocery budget.