Everyone loves their mom and always wants to find the best gift to make her feel loved and appreciated. These are the gifts I have found and would love to share with you. After you enter my giveaway head over to Makobi Scribe to see her mothers day gift ideas worth over $3000. Then stop by Sason & Pobi to enter the grand prize drawing of a Toshiba 32SLV411U - 32″ class 720p 60Hz TV/DVD Combo!

Eco Baby Mama Drama has a wonderful line up of sponsors for the most exciting package for you to pamper yourself on Mother’s Day or to give as a gift to that special Mom in your life! Check out the wonderful sponsors and the fabulous prizes they are offering then enter to win them in the rafflecopter form below! Make sure you drop by for daily entries and look for my upcoming reviews of these great companies (and see what goodies they sent me!) throughout the event!
Scout is offering an Original Deano bag in choice of in stock print!
Whole-Earth Gifts.com is offering a Sprout organic Cleanser, Toner and Moisturizer Gift Set
Mōksa Organics is offering a body butter and body oil in your choice of scent
It’s a 10 Haircare is offering a bottle of Miracle Shine Spray
The Sewn PEA is offering a Quilted Traveler Bag in your choice of fabric
This package of great goodies for Mom is sure to make any lady happy and is valued at $200!
Make sure you drop by all the other wonderful blogs to see what they all have to offer to brighten up your Mother’s Day!
Makobi Scribe Reviews, LLC or the Mother’s Day Gift Event Bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes.
I'm going to have breakfast in bed, and go out and have a picnic for lunch with my family.
I just spending the day at home. Maybe we will go out for breakfast.
[email protected]
I learned a long time ago not to expect anything on my list of wants. Hubby and the boys usually get me a new rose bush and/or plant, a card, and candy for Mother's Day, along with dinner out. I think it's more than enough!
I wish I could sleep late, but I am awake by 8 every morning- which actually is late considering I usually get up by 5 every morning!
I'll be visiting with my own Mama!
I will be visiting with my own Mama!
I am going on a weekend getaway with my husband - our first nights away from our 14 month-old, time together before baby #2 comes in October, and a chance to SLEEP IN!
I'm giving my mom a set of colorful nesting bowls for mother's day!
Rachael Henzman
I don't really have a set plans, maybe a lunch with my mom
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Jennifer B
sleeping in breakfast in bed
We're taking my mom out to brunch for Mother's Day. (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)
We be going out to dinner
ctymice at gmail dot com
I hope to spend the day with my daughter & grandchildren.
I am just hoping to sleep in. Being pregnant and having a toddler makes sleep very valuable!
I plan to relax I have two kids and I'm 7 months pregnant
Relaxing I have a 7 yr old, 21 month old and Im 7 months pregnant
I'm taking the day off from cleaning… and spending all the time with my kiddos!
[email protected]
Likely working. I work in retail, that's one of our busiest days.
I Will be spending the day with my family. Probably going to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Gotta have my Alice Springs!
If I don't have to work I'm going to my mom's then my sisters.
We're going on a vacation with my mother-in-law. That's what she wanted for mother's day, to spend time with her kids.
commented on your 'gaim trim down thursday' post
I will be working
I will be working
I will be working
lunch with family
[email protected]
Not sure yet. I'm expecting twins and they are due in a few weeks. . I maybe kissing and loving on two new babies
I'm taking my mom out for dinner. Not sure what my hubby has in store for me.
getting spoiled for mothers day. Don't have to do anything
[email protected]
I'm going to church with my family, then will go visit my mother to give her gifts. Thanks.
I will actually be at my mom's for mother's day, but I am sure my husband will surprise me with something when I get back.
We are having a family bbq on mothersday
Mothersday bbq
Sleeping in. I hardly have a chance for that anymore, it will be a treat!
Mothers day will be spent shopping at the local farmers market. A nice day out with my little family.
-Cassie Lee
A nice day out to the farmers market with my little family.
-Cassie Lee
I'm making my Mom a big breakfast,not only because it's Mother's Day,but because that is the only meal she can have before going on a fluid only diet before her colonoscopy! lol. Wonderful Mother's Day present,huh?:P
I will be staying home with the fam!
No sleeping in on a Sunday when church is at 8:30am! LOL We will be going out to eat breakfast afterwards with my mom and will be seeing my MIL that evening. I'm not expecting any gifts…LOL
tvpg at aol dot com
My FB name: Kathy Newsom Davis
Kathy Davis
[email protected]
I hope to sleep in AND go see my mom!
I will spend Mother's Day with my daughter who is expecting her 1st baby in August.
Kathy Davis
[email protected]
Iplan on sleeping in, going to brunch and maybe a movie by myself.
I'm going to take my mom golfing!
spending the day with all of the family
[email protected]
my whole family is going to church and then brunch!
This mother's day I will be going swimming with my kids and my mom!
Brunch at Blue Mesa
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)
I wish I could go see my mom, but I can't. I sent her a gift and I hope she gets it on time. I just happen to be going to a trapeze class on Sunday.
my hubs plans the day, so we'll see what it brings…
Sleeping in and making homemade ice cream!
For mother's day my grandma, aunt, and mom plus cousins are going to my uncle's grave that passed away on Mother's Day and then we are all going out to dinner for pizza and pasta afterwards.
[email protected]
I want to relax and sleep in… maybe watch a movie and be pampered
I'm hoping to simply spend the day relaxing (no dishes, laundry, cooking) with my hubby and daughter. And maybe a nice big glass of wine to go with it!
Dinner with my mom and my daughter.
I'm going to do my best to sleep in and do as little as possible!
I plan on spending the day with my children, my mom has passed away.
[email protected]
I hope to be able to relax a lot and hopefully have a nice dinner with my son and husband.
Sleeping in for sure! After that, I do not know. My hubby usually surprises me with an outing of some sort. Brunch, dinner, shopping, etc…
[email protected]
Rafflecopter:Mechele JOhnson
I think I'll be giving birth on Mother's Day.
Mother's Day is a big work day for us. My husband and I are both massage therapists.
[email protected]
Well lets hope giving birth! Due date is today!
I'm NOT seeing my in-laws.
I will be attending my sister's graduation on mother's day
I will be going to my mom's and we will be cooking dinner together.. Then the whole family gets together and eats..
Ill be staying home with the fam!
I had a lovely Mother's Day! The husband took baby duty last night! Then this morning went out for breakfast, church and had a lovely drive around town. We stopped for lunch and then came home to play in the kiddy pool! Unfortunately now I'm working.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm just enjoying spending time on the pc without cooking or cleaning!
[email protected]
Well mother's day is over, I didn't really do anything, called my mom, my daughter came up brought me a beautiful candle with her and the grandbabies picture on it, it's precious.
thanks for the giveaway
I am going to church an helping children make gifts for their mother
Today I helped the kids make gifts for their mothers
Well we were supposed to spend the day traveling. Going to visit family, a stop by my favorite high end grocery store, and a afternoon at the lake! However, it did not turn out as planned. Nonetheless I got a relaxing day which is what i wanted anyway
Christine L
Facebook: Cloudina Ediacaran
I watched a movie with my mom.
I was just hoping for peace and quiet, and a nice drive to the mountains to check out the observatory. Unfortunately, this Mother's Day ended up like most of my others - with me arguing with my husband over why he is supposed to celebrate Mother's Day with me and our 4 children instead of his mom. He always insists that it's HER day and we should do what she wants because she's his mother and my mother-in-law. But where does that leave me? Treasuring my kids, that's where Mother's Day found me.
I slept in and hubby fixed dinner
I slept in and hubby fixed dinner
I slept in and hubby fixed dinner
Slept in
Slept in
Slept in
I had a great mother's day. The mister made crepes for breakfast, we ran to Costco {because life goes on lol}, went to the beach and then came home to bbq with my sister and nephews.
Erin Cox on RC form.
I had a cookout with my children, husband, brothers and mother.
I slept in. Zzzzz
[email protected]
My kids made me breakfast in bed. Then they washed my van! Was such a great day.
I spent the day with my Mom and had a very nice day.
I slept in
[email protected]
My kids well my 4 year old insisted I wanted to go to chuck e cheese….
We visited my mother for coffee and then went to mil's for dinner. We had a great day. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
We went to the mall and then out to eat!
i went out to breakfast for mothers day!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
we went to olive garden
krystlekouture at Yahoo dot com
My sisters and I took our mother out for dinner for Mother's Day.
For mother's day I was hoping to really get anything or just a happy mothers day, but I got nothing
I spent the whole day with my hubby and baby boy followed up by some good cooking on the grill!
We had dinner at my mom's house and then we went to my husband's mama's house.
This mother day I was very far away from my Mom. Could not meet her. Wished her on phone. Will celebrate it wen we will meet.
~Naina John
We all took my mom to her favorite restaurant for dinner. It was a great time.
This Mother's Day was the best ever. Went to a steakhouse, to the movies, and to Office Max to get a wonderful office chair. I feel like a Queen!!! I'm very happy about it all!
Low key family day at home after church
We had a bbq and had a great day!
Shannon M Gallagher on rafflecopter
surveylover77 at hotmail dot com
My boys helped me set up for our rummage sale and then we relaxed! Helping is a great gift!
My boys helped me set up for our rummage sale, then we relaxed. Helping is an awesome gift!!
I gave my stepmom a Lush mother's day gift set (bath & body stuff) and she LOVED it! We also went out to lunch and saw The Avengers, lol.
Just to clear up any confusion, I did all the sponsor love entries under the name Julie Bjerga so you can find it easier.
karmabodhi80(at)gmail(dot)com (Julie Berg)
We went out for lunch then my son cooked dinner for me.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Just played on the computer mostly.
michelle tucker
My husband took me out for lunch, otherwise very quiet day.
I had lunch w. my favorite guys! It's always nice to NOT cook and just enjoy everyone!
Went to lunch with my mom!(:
we had our annual seafood broil with family and friends - Paul T / Pauline T…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me
Had a wonderful lunch out with family!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
After church we went to my grandma's for a picnic lunch and to do some yard clean up and flower planting. We do this every year! Then after nap time we went to dinner with Hubby's parents! It was a fun day!
Went to church and DH grilled a yummy dinner. Got to relax and read a book
— Vicki Vix on Rafflecopter —
I'm not a mum myself, but we celebrated Mother's Day with a BBQ for my mum at my sister's house. Thanks for a great giveaway.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
Went to my daughter's dance recital