
Wordless Wednesday

Extreme “Co-Sleeping”
Where you sleep horizontally on your parents bed so they can’t even fit!


  1. Lol!!That is so cute! Come hop by and add this on the linky :)

  2. OMG!! This is how my 2 yr old sleeps!! At least I am not the only one, haha. What a cute picture, they are so sweet, aren't they?

  3. Too Funny. This is how my son sleeps too. When I went to visit family and had to share a bed with him he kept kicking me in the head. He would flip all around and then start talking. Funny, but oh so sleepy!

  4. He is sprawled! So cute

  5. Awww. So cute!! Makes me wanna go take a nap right now, hehe.

  6. I love the title! That is why Monkey Girl only sleeps with us on occassion, I get no sleep!

  7. wait, that's not how co sleeping is done? my kid does that every night ;)

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